Going Back

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Today was the day I was going back home, I had all of their hoodie pack away, and the presents in the trunk if my car. Other then Louis ring of course. I didn't want to leave my boys again, but I would see them in less then a month when they came for Christmas. Zayn would be staying the longest, everyone else would leave like the 6th if January, Zayn would stay till the 13th. Only because if his birthday. I was still sad though. When I woke up it was around 6 am, I was leaving at noon. I made sure everything was packed and ready to go. The boys helped me pack last night. When I went downstairs my dad was making my favorite breakfast. It smelled so good in here. "Morning dad." I say while getting a glass of water. "Morning sweetheart. How'd you sleep?" He asks. "I slept ok, juts don't want to leave." I reply, coming up and taking a small piece if french toast. He quickly slaps my hand, lightly, and says. "Nu- uh wait until breakfast." I role my eyes because I know the boys won't get up until like 10am. Well except Louis he should be up soon. All of the sudden I hear a bang from upstairs breaking me out of my trance. "I got it." I say running up the stairs. Well I am right Louis is up, but only because he fell out of the bed. "Oh my lord." I say. "How did the boys not get up?" I ask. "Well when the boys sleeps they are practically dead, so." Louis replies. I just laugh because he is right. I go over and help Louis up, he gladly excepts my hand. Once he is standing on his two feet, he steps over Liam and Zayn and goes over to the bathroom. I decide to just walk back downstairs, lost in thought. Thinking about Hermione, no matter what my thoughts will always go back to her. After a little bit Louis comes down, and we wait for at least one more person before we start to eat. I can hear Louis stomach grumble, and it seems the food gods answer our stomachs pleasing because I soon hear Harry falling down the stairs. God these boys are just something. I walk over ti him and make sure he is ok. "Can I get a hug? It would make me feel better." He says giving me puppy eyes. I role mine and pull him into a hug, like I always do, my arms around his neck, his around my waist, and my head on his chest. Zayn comes down and roles his eyes. "What did Harry do now?" He asks with a smile ghosting on his lips. "He fell down the stairs." I reply. That gets Zayn laughing. Harry pulls away. "You aren't supposed to tell him." Harry says. I have noticed that Zayn and I have gotten really close as well. We all decide to just eat without Liam and Niall, they always sleep late. Niall and Liam don't get up for another hour and a half, which is sad because now I only have an hour to talk to them. I really don't want to leave, but I also want to see Blaise, Pansy, and Draco again. Once 30 minutes pass of us just talking and joking, my dad walks in and tells them we should probably start packing the car. I have to put the suitcase in and make sure I can still see in the back window. We all start to get sad once I only have about 15 minutes left. Louis and I are just standing outside, just standing there. He just pulls me into a hug, like how I hugged Harry. We were there until everyone else started to come outside. I wrapped them all in hugs, and then we did a group hug. After about 5 minutes I let them go. With tears running down my cheeks I go over to my dad and hug him tightly. It didn't matter that I would see in less then a month, I was still sad. I let go of my dad and get into my car. The boys stand on the driveway and wave as I drive down the street. I start crying again, I didn't want to leave. I was singing Lana del Ray songs and jamming out. Once I got back to the apartment no one was home. They were either still at their parents house or they were with friends. I unpacked my car and set everything up I got for my birthday. I had a free corner where I put the tapestry, the record player, a little crate for my vinyls and my guitar. I then put up my star chart above my little desk where I keep my crystals and now my new tarot deck. I then put my art stuff on my other desk. The one I use for school. I then hang up all my clothes because I washed them all when I was at home. I plopped down on my bed and fell asleep, after texting the boys saying I was home safe, same with my dad.

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