Last Day

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AN- So I am too lazy to actually write Thanksgiving day, but basically all of the boys families and mine went to your house for dinner. Also Blaise and his mom came. Blaise stayed for the night and then headed back to London in the morning. And plus this is like your last full day, you technically go back "tomorrow"
Today was my last day and the boys wanted to make it special, so we decided to get tattoos. Shocking. We want matching tattoos. Then we are going to go out and do some of our favorite things together. We were on our way to the parlor. We were just belting out the lyrics to Lana Del Rays song, Summertime Sadness. Once we had arrived we picked out a tattoo that we all liked and one that had meaning, and all went back into the separate booths. I came out first, Louis second, Zayn third, Harry fourth, Liam fifth, and lastly Niall.

We all got a pinky promise, since that is what we used to do when we were kids

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We all got a pinky promise, since that is what we used to do when we were kids. I was already getting emotional. I didn't want to leave my boys. We all looked at out tattoos, then decided we were hungry, so we went to a ice cream shop. One we used to spend all of our money at when we were kids. The owner still knows our names. "Hello my favorite customers." Says the now older lady. The restaurants name is Anna. "Hello Anna." We all say back. She leads us to our table. She even put a little plaque that read. For the six sweet children that came here every day. We all read it, since it was new and turned to Anna and gave her a hug. She laughed. "So what will it be dears?" She asks. "The usual." We all say. She nods her head and goes to give the order. After about 15 minutes the food comes out. I have always gotten and salad and a side of fries, with a small strawberry cone but Anna knows to bring our ice cream out later. Harry gets the hamburger and fries, and a vanilla cone. Louis gets the same as I do. Zayn, Liam, and Niall have always shared the huge basket of fries and would always get hotdogs. For ice cream Zayn would get a chocolate shake, Liam would get cookies and cream cone, and Niall would get a cookie dough cone. This place was our second home. Once we had finished our main food, Anna came out and gave us our ice cream. When we went up to pay, Anna refused. "It's on the house dears." We thanked her and made our way to a little shopping center. We all went into this one store that had legit everything. Of course Louis and I went over to the book section and the rest just went to look at what interested them. Louis and I were talking about the books we have read. "Yeah I just did a paper on The Great Gatsby." I tell him still scanning the book isles. "Oh really, I did mine in October." He says coming up behind me. While looking down the isle I fidget with ring Louis got me. He smiles. "What are you so happy about?" I ask him. "Oh just that you're wearing the ring." He says taking my hand in his, as friends. "Yeah why wouldn't I?" I ask, he just shrugs. After about 5 more minutes of looking, we found nothing. Then a little girl came up to us, "You two are a cute couple." She says. "Ah we aren't dating." Louis replies. "Well you should." And she turns around and walks back to her mom. I just look at Louis and laugh. He starts laughing too. After a bit we find Zayn and Harry, looking at plants. "Wait ok, so I know I haven't asked but do you all live in an apartment together orr." I ask. Harry laughs and replies. "Well it's us three and then Niall and Liam have one right next to ours." Zayn says. "Ohhh ok." I reply. After a little but we break up into the groups again, walking around the mall. Zayn and Harry, and Louis and I. We haven't even found Niall and Liam. I drag Louis into a clothing store, he whines and groans but soon agrees to go in. "You're such a big baby." I tell him. "Hmph." Is all he has to say. Soon after he starts picking up clothes and handing them to me saying stuff like, "This would look good on you." and "Ouu I like this." I would just laugh and pick up look at it and either put it back or make Louis carry it. He just went along with it, and occasionally he would see something in the mens section he liked and I would go and get it for him and make him hold it, little does he know I'm going to buy it for him. Then I picked out something for the rest of the boys, as an early Christmas present. That isn't all I'm getting them though. Due to me working a lot, and my dad being insanely rich, it just works out. Once we are done I go to check out, Louis starts to pull out his wallet. "And what do you think you are doing Mr. Tomlinson?" I ask him. "Paying?" He says. "Not on my watch." I pay for everything. Louis just says thank you a million times. I brush it off and say it isn't a problem. Once we find the others we go home, and I give the things I got for the boys to them. (Haul for the next couple chapters 🤪) They stay over once again. Life is great. I don't want to go back to the real world.

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