Ch 5 Lunch Time Hero

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I wake up for the day and get dressed in regular clothes. I then head off to my first class and sit down in the front row. Class starts and the teacher is some old man named Port. He goes off on a story when I ignore him and take a nap to help pass the time. I wake up to the sound of somebody saying something and find Weiss walking towards the locker room. She comes out in her signature white skirt and readies herself.

Port opens the cage next to him and a Borbatusk comes body rolling out towards Weiss. She dodges and cuts along the Borbatusk's side angering it. The Borbatusk sees me and visibly becomes scared; it turns around and runs at Weiss. Those two collide and Weiss gets her rapier stuck between the tusks. It throws her rapier to the side and disarms her.

The Borbatusk then slings its head upwards which knocks Weiss onto her back. It then runs to her but she rolls out of the way and runs to her rapier. When rearmed the Borbatusk spins its body and charges towards Weiss. At the last second she makes a glyph appear and knocks the Borbatusk on its back. She then backflips onto a glyph and springs off of it sending her to the Borbatusk; she rams her rapier into its soft belly and ends the fight.

Port: "Bravo! Braa-vo! It appears we are indeed in the presence of a true Huntress in training. I'm afraid that's all the time we have for today. Be sure to cover the assigned readings and, stay vigilant. Class dismissed."

The next day I sit in miss Goodwitch's class watching as Jaune gets tossed around by a cunt named Cardin. Jaune brings down his sword on Cardin but he just turns and swings his mace knocking Jaune back. Jaune doesn't give up and goes for a downward strike with Cardin holding his mace sideways blocking it. He then leans forward while pushing Jaune to his knees. Cardin then slams his knee into Jaune's stomach. Jaune falls on his side with Cardin raising his mace ready to bring it down.

Goodwitch: "That's enough Cardin. As you can see students, Jaune's aura has dropped into the red which means he would lose in a tournament style fight."

She then looks at Jaune and adopts a sympathetic yet scolding look.

Goodwitch: "Mr. Arc, it's been weeks and you still have not improved. You need to keep an eye on your aura when fighting. We wouldn't want you to be gobbled up by a Beowolf would we?"

Cardin: "Speak for yourself."

I growl at his comment while my wings lightly flap showing my anger. We head off to lunch and I make a plate. I then sit down by myself and begin eating when I feel a tap on my shoulder. I look back and see a rabbit Faunus holding a tray of food.

Y/N: "Yes?"

Rabbit: "Is it okay if... I sit with you?"

Y/N: "I don't mind."

I turn back around and hear her sigh in relief. I grab my fork and dig in to the rice when Cardin and his goons sit down near me while staring at the rabbit Faunus.

Cardin: "What do we have here?"

Rabbit: "Leave me alone Cardin, I'm just trying to enjoy my lunch."

Cardin: "What are you doing using a tray, animals eat out of a bowl."

I grip my fork tightly and feel it bend in my hand.

Rabbit: "I deserve to eat like everyone else."

Cardin: "You deserve to be caged like the animal you are."

I slam my fork down which makes the whole cafeteria go quite.

Cardin: "You got something to say freak?"

Y/N: "Leave her alone or get broken."

Cardin: "Make me."

He grabs my tray and slides it off the table wasting my food. I put my hands on the table and stand up. The look on his face at seeing my height makes me smile on the inside. As expected he drops his bully demeanor and tries to act friendly.

Cardin: "Hey come on, it was just a joke. I didn't mean anything by it, right guys?"

He looks back to see his so called teammates abandoning him. He looks back at me and I see fear rising in him.

Y/N: "You bullied this poor girl and wasted my food."

I activate my semblance making me grow. I then grab Cardin by his face and throw him out the cafeteria window. He plummets to the ground and the sound of the impact makes everyone wince in pain. I then hear a long drawn out pained noise and deactivate my semblance.

Y/N: "You okay?"

Rabbit: "Yes, thank you."

I sit back down at the table and stare at my wasted food. I sigh when the girl taps my shoulder again. I look at her to see her holding a slice of her pizza.

Y/N: "What's this for?"

Rabbit: "He ruined your food, so consider this as thanks for saving me."

Y/N: "Thank you."

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