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My name is Y/N L/N and I am a Faunus. However I don't possess regular Faunus traits. While everyone else either have tails or ears, I have giant black and red wings. That's not the weird part, the weird part is the fact that they are not even Animal wings; instead they are the wings of a Grimm called a Wyvern. Because of this people tend to avoid me, even other Faunus stood clear of me. It also doesn't help that I tower over everyone else. While they range from five feet to six foot one, I stand tall at six foot nine easily making me the tallest in the room. On top of that I have the muscles and strength to match my size; for my weight I have approximately one hundred and ninety five pounds of muscle and can easily lift most people.

I have sought many jobs that would be perfect for me, but my damn parents decided to auction me off into mining labor to avoid having to do it themselves. To further my misery I get berated by both the owner of the mine and the people watching over us. Luckily due to my imposing figure no one has tried anything funny to me. As of the moment I am using a pickaxe to hack at a wall when I hear one of the overseers call out to me.

Overseer: "Hey, beast!"

I groan at my nickname but just push it to the side and face the overseer.

Y/N: "What do you want?"

Overseer: "Watch your tone. The boss has decided to move you to the lower levels."

Y/N: *sarcastically* "Oh praise be Oum. A promotion, I have always dreamed of the moment."

Overseer: "Hold you tongue and lean down."

I roll my eyes but kneel down to his level. Before I can react he puts something around my neck and I hear a buzz then click. I stand up and grab the object to find a metal collar around my neck.

Y/N: "The hell is this for?"

Overseer: "To make sure you are checked in and also."

He pulls out a remote and presses a button on it. My body is then bombarded with electricity which makes me fall to my knee and scream in pain. The shocking stops and smoke starts coming off my body.

Overseer: "To better keep you in line, you filthy Faunus."

He slams his boot into my face and knocks me on my back. I growl and get ready to pound him into the ground when he presses the button again and I am once again pumped with electricity. As I writhe in pain the overseer just laughs his head off at my misery. The electricity stops and the overseer walks away. I grab the bottom of the collar and notice a chain connected to it.

Y/N: "Chained and collared like an animal."

I get up and go back to work. The next day I make my way into the lower levels of the mine when I come to a scan booth. I stand near the window and see a man pull out a scanner then put it near my collar. It beeps and I see my information being displayed on a screen behind the man.

Man: "Prisoner 24601. Welcome beast."

I walk past him, grab a pickaxe and hold it tightly. I reel it back and slam it against the wall while shouting in anger. I repeat the action imagining the wall as the people who mock me and just let out my anger.


I grab my pickaxe and begin my daily anger relief routine when I hear laughing. I look to the side and see three wolf Faunus surrounding a poor bunny Faunus. I go back to hacking at the wall when I hear something hit the ground. I look back and see the girl in the dirt being mocked by the wolves. I slam my pickaxe into the ground and march my way to the bullying trio.

Wolf1: "Damn bunny. So useless."

Wolf2: "Why would they allow someone so helpless to work here?"

Wolf3: "She needs to just die."

Y/N: "You sure do talk big for a tiny mutt."

Wolf1: "Who you calling mutt you-"

He turns around and freezes while slowly looking up. I see his eyes go wide when he finally realizes my height.

Wolf1: "Big-"

Y/N: "You have three seconds to leave before I break you. Three."

They all take off running like their lives depended on it which it does. I look at the bunny and see her look a little scared.

Bunny: "Please don't hurt me."

I sigh and kneel to not appear so big while holding out my hand.

Y/N: "I'm not going to hurt you. I just want to make sure you're okay miss?"

Lucille: *grabs hand* "Lucille, and yeah I'm fine. Those three always pick on me. They mostly just mock me and give me the occasional shove."

Y/N: "Well, if they ever pick on you again just let me know."

Lucille: "Okay."

She walks back to her work area and I head back to mine and for some reason I work a little less angry.

Snow White And The Chained BeastWhere stories live. Discover now