Ch 7 The Highway

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I find myself walking down the hallway when I spot RWBY heading out of Beacon. I decide to follow behind them from the sky and see where they're going. I perch from a ledge overlooking the building Blake and that monkey went into. Not even two minutes in I hear screaming and see a giant robot bursting through the wall. I follow after the robot and see it fall off the highway; I divebomb after it and land with the robot in front of me.

I draw my weapons and charge at the robot. I dodge its fist and swing my sword upwards knocking the fist away. The robot grabs my shield and flings me to the side; my back collides with a concrete pillar and I fall to the ground. The robot goes to step on me when I swing my sword to try and deflect it. It grabs my arm and throws me with it keeping my sword.

I rise to my feet and activate my semblance. We lock hands and try to overpower the other. I slam my knee into where its stomach would be and slam my fist down on its back. It grabs my leg but I grab its arm and rip it off completely. I send my foot into its chest and send it backwards through several concrete pillars. I walk to it when it fires missiles at me; I dodge, grab one and toss it right back at the robot. The missile goes off and blows the robot backwards.

I then hear a gunshot and turn around to find team RWBY has arrived. Blake and Ruby run forward and slice at the robot. Weiss then joins the fray and slices at the robot's face. It goes to punch her when I run to her and grab her waist. I pull her away and catch the fist with my free hand. I pull its arm to the side and slam my foot on it breaking its remaining arm.

I set Weiss down and see Yang being swung around by Blake's weapon. Yang tries to hit the robot but it jumps out of the way. I growl and stomp my foot making the ground shake and the robot lose its footing. Yang is swung around again and this time she hits the robot and breaks it into pieces with the operator tumbling out.

Operator: "Just got this thing cleaned."

Yang fires her gauntlets at the operator when a girl with weird hair jumps in front of him and blocks the shot. They disappear and we head back to Beacon; the day of the dance finally arrives and right now I am getting ready. I roll my sleeves up to my elbows and undo the top two buttons to avoid being choked. I arrive at the dance and head straight for the punch bowl. When I get there I see Jaune and Ruby are there as well.

Y/N: "You guys hiding here too?"

Ruby, Jaune: "Yep."

Jaune: "Well then, to the socially awkward."

They clink their cups while I just raise my hand. I see Pyrrha standing by herself and decide to speed things along.

Y/N: "Jaune, Pyrrha could use a dancing partner."

He spots her and smiles.

Jaune: "Hold my glass."

He hands his glass to Ruby and heads for Pyrrha. She smiles and those two have their dance.

Ruby: "You didn't have to do that."

Y/N: "If I hadn't then it never would have happened."

Ruby: "You not going to dance?"

Y/N: "I found with my height it makes dancing a little awkward. What about you?"

Ruby: "I can't in these stupid lady stilts. I honestly don't see how Weiss fights in these."

Y/N: "I think it's because she practiced a lot."

I take a seat and just watch as everyone dances when I see something heading my way. Weiss appears and is wearing a light blue dress with her hair down and curled at the end.

Y/N: "Did you need something?"

Weiss: "I just wanted to know if you wanted to dance."

Y/N: "Sure."

I get up, put us into position and start us off.

Y/N: "You look good."

Weiss: "So do you. Hey Y/N."

Y/N: "Yes?"

Weiss: "How did you get that collar around your neck?"

Y/N: "I got it when I worked in the Schnee Dust Mine."

Weiss: "Have you tried to have it removed?"

Y/N: "People say if I were to cut into it I would just end up cutting my own neck due to how close it is."

Weiss stops dancing and wraps her arms around me tightly.

Weiss: "I'm sorry."

Y/N: "Why are you apologizing?"

Weiss: "Because it's all my fault. My last name put that collar around your neck, meanwhile I just stood by and let it happen."

Y/N: "I don't blame you for anything."

Weiss: "Why?"

Y/N: "Because while everyone at the mine mocked and berated me, you are here apologizing for something you had no hand in. So please, stop beating yourself up."

I give her a hug and feel her return it.

Weiss: "Thank you Y/N."

Y/N: "You're welcome Weiss."

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