Ch 10 Fighting The Fall

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The tournament starts off great, but when it comes down to the singles rounds things become dark. Yang gets arrested for attacking a defenseless Mercury. This sparks unrest and causes the tournament to be delayed until the next day. When the day comes Penny and Pyrrha fight each other. Things aren't better because Penny gets cut into fourths by her own swords. Then a speech from a anonymous person speaks of how we are close to another war and we the citizens are completely clueless. This is the straw that brakes the camel's back because panic finally consumes the crowd and that brings in the Grimm.

We all call our weapons to us and head out of the arena to help with dealing with the Grimm. I activate my semblance and land causing the ground to rumble upon impact. I spot a horde of Grimm making its way to me. I take off and plow through them knocking all of them down. I run into the courtyard of Beacon and find Weiss and Blake fighting a large group of Atlas robots. I draw my sword and run to help them. I swing my sword around cutting them to pieces; I grab one robot and swing it around knocking a bunch of them down. I see Weiss being overwhelmed by a Paladin and run to her. I grab the Paladin's head and ram my hand through its chest.

Weiss: "Thank you."

Y/N: "Just be more careful."

She nods and runs to help other students when the ground rumbles. I look where it is coming from and see a Wyvern springing out of Mt. Glenn. I flap my wings and fly to it to cut it off. I land on its back and make my way to its head; once there I bring my fist down with enough force to completely break its neck and kill it. It falls out of the sky when I fly off of it and watch it collide into Beacon tower. I land near the cafeteria and look inside to see Blake struggling against a man with red hair and dressed in black.

I sprint to her and when the man gets ready to kill her I grab his waist and throw him to the side. He hits his back on a pillar and falls onto the ground. He gets to his feet and fires his gun at me which I use my shield to block his bullets. I run to him when he draws his sword and cuts into my chest. The attacks barely register while I grab his face and lift him into the air. He tries to break free while I just apply pressure until I hear his mask break. I then choke slam into the ground hard enough to break the ground under him.

I then bring my foot up and repeatedly slam it down on his chest. He gasps for air when I decide to put him out of his misery but grabbing his neck and in one clean motion snap it ending his life. I drop his lifeless body and turn around to see Yang badly beaten; I scoop her up and turn to Blake.

Y/N: "Follow me."

I run to where the evacuation airships are and set Yang down gently. I turn around and head off to take care of everyone else when I hear fighting at the top of Beacon tower. I pour all of my power into my legs and hands and climb to the top of Beacon tower. When I reach the top I see Pyrrha get struck in the ankle by an arrow. I growl and run to her attacker; she spots me me and hurls fireballs at me. I power through her attacks and grab her arm; I then violently throw her to the side. She uses fire to recover and propel herself to me.

She coats her fist in flames and gets ready to punch me when I step to the side and grab her ankle. I slam her multiple times on the ground then slam her back on the ground. I raise my fists and get ready to bring them down on her when she rolls out of the way and hops onto my back. She then places her hands on my cheeks and lights her hands on fire. Her hands start to burn my flesh when I jump up and land on my back crushing her. I stand and go to stomp on her when she just keeps rolling out of the way.

I get angry, fire my crossbow and hit both of her ankles. She screams in pain when I grab the back of her neck and legs. I bring her above my head then slam her back onto my knee shattering her spine. Blood starts coming out of her nose and her body twitches. The life leaves her eyes and I head over to Pyrrha. I pick her up bridal style and jump off of Beacon tower; I use my feet to take the impact and run us to an evacuation airship.

I set her down where she gets tended to. A pain shoots across my body and my semblance deactivates itself. I fall down into a seat exhausted and feel my body go numb. My eyes grow heavy when I look to the side and see a figure walking to me.

???: "Don't worry, you're safe now."

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