Ch 4 The Initiation

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I fly through the air when I slowly start to descend. I spread out my wings and flap them making me slow down. I hover for a second and drop to the ground. I stand up and head to where I saw the temple. On my way I encounter a sleuth of Ursai. One spots me and alerts the others. I draw my sword and run at the sleuth. I jump over one Ursa and fire a crossbow bolt into its head taking it out. Out of the corner of my eye I see another Ursa raising its paw to hit me.

I use my right wing to block the paw and swing my sword cutting it in half. My ears pick up something and I duck missing a right paw. I turn around and fire a crossbow bolt down its throat. This leaves me open as a Ursa bites down on my arm. I flick my arm making the shield deploy; the shield cuts through its flesh and tears off the top part of its head.

I turn around just in time to dodge a massive Ursa Major paw. It brings down its paws and I use my shield to block it. I swing my sword but the Ursa Major hits me with its head and knocks my sword away. I go to fire a crossbow bolt but find the string was broken when the Ursa bite down on it. Seeing no other option I activate my semblance and feel my body changing. I soon find myself matching the Ursa Major's height when standing.

It stands on its hind legs and roars to try and intimidate me. I stand my ground and step forward; it roars and charges at me. We clash with me holding my arms out keeping it from advancing. I uppercut it and knock it onto its back. I grab its neck and legs then raise it above my head. I slam it down onto my knee with enough force to shatter its spine and bend its body. It turns to dust and I deactivate my semblance returning to normal.

I collect my sword and resume my walk to the relic temple. Once I arrive I spot the others taking off to some unknown destination. I quickly grab my piece and take off into the sky to follow them. I see them make it across a bridge when a Nevermore slams into the bridge taking it out. I then see Yang, Ruby, Weiss and some black haired girl jump onto a tower and fire at the Nevermore. I quicken my speed until I reach the Nevermore and land on its back.

I draw my sword and plunge it into its spine. It squawks in pain and barrel rolls to try and shake me off. I manage to stay on and take out my sword. I activate my semblance again and curb stomp near its neck with all of my might. I hear a loud break and soon the Nevermore starts falling out of the sky while turning to ash. I holster my sword and jump off as it falls into the chasm below. I land in a crouched position and stare down the Deathstalker.

Yang: "Holy Oum! A giant!"

I ignore her and run at the Deathstalker.

Jaune POV

I narrowly dodge the Deathstalker's pincher when I hear something very quickly approaching us. I look back and go pale seeing this behemoth of a being running towards us.

Jaune: "Sweet Oum!!!"

I brace for an attack but get confused when the behemoth runs past me and to the Deathstalker.


I see the Deathstalker send its stinger at Pyrrha when I reach her and grab the stinger. I then lift the Deathstalker up and throw it into the chasm. I deactivate my semblance and take a deep breath to relax.

Everyone: "What was that?!"

Y/N: "Huh?"

Jaune: "You just threw a Deathstalker like it was a piece of paper!"

Y/N: "That's my semblance, Alpha. It boosts my strength and size so I can smash my enemies into the ground. Now if you don't mind, I would like to finish my initiation."

They just stare in disbelief while I walk past them and head back to where everyone is gathered.

Old man: "Finally Y/N L/N. You have retrieved the white rook piece, from this day forward you will work as a one man team."

I nod and head to very own dorm. I plop down onto my bed and promptly fall asleep.

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