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Zendaya woke up to the sunlight beaming into her eyes. She felt Dinah snuggle into her neck, making her smile. She took a moment to take in the beauty on her bare bosom. Zendaya pressed a light kiss to the girl's forehead, when her eyes trailed over to Dinah's alarm clock on the night stand.


Zendaya shot up earning a groan from Dinah as she scrambled around the room to retrieve her clothes. "Baby, what's wrong?" Dinah asked rubbing the sleep from her eyes.

"My mom's gonna fucking kill me is what's wrong. I was supposed to be on my way to work right now an-"

She was interrupted by her mother shouting her middle name from her bedroom across the alley, making them both look at the window. "Shit. Sorry baby. I don't know why my alarm didn't go off," Dinah said getting out of bed to get dressed as well. Zendaya sat on the edge of the bed with her head in her hands as she listen to her mother rant and rave. Dinah wrapped her arms around the taller girl, kissing her head lightly.

"It's not your fault D. I should've been more careful."

"No, we should've been more careful. But you should get going so you don't get into more trouble." Dinah turned Zendaya's head, capturing her lips in a soft kiss.

"I love you baby."

"I love you more."

Zendaya's POV

I sat quietly in the back seat listening to my mom chastise me yet again. "And you know damn well we drop you off on the way to school! We waited for like twenty minutes for you to come downstairs or tell us to go ahead without you! Do you know how worried I was when you weren't in your fucking room?! Do you?! For all I know..."

I tuned her out after a while, making eye contact with my dad in the rear view mirror. He let out a silent sigh, turning back to the road. I know he's disappointed yet sometimes she takes it too far. He's tired of it too, but he loves her too much to leave.

"God are you even listening to me Zendaya?! For fucks sake! This is exactly why you are where you are now! You're grounded for three weeks, no car or outing privileges, and you're damn lucky I don't take your phone!"

My eyes widened. "Three weeks?! Mom for real? I didn't even really do anything wrong. I just went over to Dinah's," I groaned.

"After your fucking curfew, and without telling anyone! Not to mention you made us all late." We finally pulled into the parking lot of the dance studio. "Don't think this is the end of this. You're in a world of trouble when you get home."

I made eye contact with my dad one more time before getting out of the car and watching them drive off. My phone buzzed in my pocket as I walked through the front door.

Dad: I'll talk to her for you at most you'll only be grounded for a week with no car privileges

I sighed putting my phone in my jacket pocket. This was gonna be a long hell of a day.


"I'm really sorry baby. I must've broke it when I threw it at the wall the other day."

"It's really not your fault D. We-"

"It quite literally is. If I didn't break it, it would've went off and you wouldn't have gotten in trouble, and-"

"Dinah, Dinah stop it okay? It's fine, my dad sorted it all out and I'm not grounded for too long just for a week, and I can't go anywhere but the store, home, and work. So it's cool."

"Does that mean you can't walk me home after school?"

"Of course I can, mama. Even if I have to sneak out, I'll always make sure you get there safe." I could practically feel her smile behind the phone.

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