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Dinah nervously fiddled with the test in her pocket as she walked down the street with Zendaya's hand in hers. Maybe she took this walk for a reason. So that she'd run into Zendaya on her way back from school, and would have to tell her.

"Um Z are your parents home?" Dinah asked.

"No," Zendaya replied.

"Great because I—"

"I know baby," Zendaya said cutting her off.

"You do?" Dinah asked in a confused yet relieved tone. I guess she figured it out when I was throwing up yesterday.

"Yeah I do. Don't act surprised. I missed you all day too," Zendaya said sliding her hand into the blonde's back pocket.

"Oh," Dinah said a little more disappointed than expected. Zendaya furrowed her eyebrows at her girlfriend.

"Oh? What oh?"

"Not like...not like oh that's it. I j-just thought you meant something else."

"Like what?"

"I'll tell you when we get to your house. Okay?" Zendaya nodded but held onto Dinah's butt as they walked to her home. When they'd finally arrived Zendaya pressed Dinah against the now closed door, holding her hostage with her passionate gaze. The two locked lips in a lust filled kiss.

Zendaya discarded Dinah's sweatshirt, and by this point Dinah completely forgot about her 'condition'. Zendaya unclipped Dinah's bra tossing it somewhere in the living room.

"Daya, someone might be home," Dinah whimpered.

"Trust me. No one is home and they won't be for a little while. My mom has detention duty and my dad's running basketball practice late. We'll be fine. I smell a little so I'm gonna freshen up. You stay..." Zendaya pushed Dinah onto the couch. "Right there, and keep looking sexy."

"O-Okay." Zendaya kissed the plump lips of the Polynesian before trudging upstairs to her bathroom.

Dinah sat there looking at her sweatshirt knowing what laid inside. It would change both of their lives forever. She laid back on the Coleman's couch, thinking of the future. They'd have a baby, and would love it and each other. If it was a girl she'd name it Alana-Maree and if it was a boy she'd name it-

"What the hell are you doing on my couch?!" Claire shouted walking into the living room. Dinah's hands covered her exposed breasts and she dashed around the room to get her clothes.

"I-I'm sorry Mrs. Coleman. I thought that—"

"That you could come in here with your hoe ass and seduce my daughter?! I don't think so! Get out!" Dinah felt flustered and began getting dressed so she could go.

I guess I'll be telling Z through the window tonight.

Just as she put her sweatshirt over her head the pregnancy test fell out of the pocket. But Claire picked it up before she could.

"What's this?" The blonde asked. The girl was tongue tied. She didn't know what to say or how to react.


"You've been sleeping with Zendaya haven't you?!" Claire's face got redder and redder the more angry she got. "I thought I made it clear to the both of you that Zendaya wasn't allowed to have girls over. Especially not you. I know how you get around. Who knows what diseases you have. And you're not about to pin some baby on my child."

"But it is Zendaya's. I didn't make the baby myself. It takes two to tango."

"And it takes one to turn on the music. I bet you were the one who initiated it weren't you?"

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