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"Push baby, push. You got this," Zendaya cheered holding Dinah's leg up on the hospital bed. Dinah was in tears and huge pain. She sincerely regretted not taking the drugs when they were offered.

Dinah let out one final push and scream before her and Zendaya's baby boy was brought into the world. "Awww he's perfect," Dinah said tears running down her cheeks.

"He is baby. He is," Zendaya said kissing her temple. "You did so good baby. I'm so proud of you."

Dinah glanced over at her baby boy being brought over to them. "What do you wanna name him Z?"

"I don't know. How about Quincy? Quincy Hansen," Zendaya suggested.

"Yeah, I like that. Maybe he should have both our last names though."

"Whatever you want baby," Zendaya said making you giggle. The sky outside darkened, and the room door flew open. A dark figure walked in. It grabbed Zendaya and the baby, but all Dinah could do was watch and scream.


The blonde shot up out of her bed, waking from the nightmare she was having. She sat there trying to catch her breath. She jumped when she heard a knock against her window. It was just Zendaya.

The younger one got out of bed and lifted her window open. "You okay Deej? I saw you looked upset over there," Zendaya said across the way.

"Y-Yeah I'm fine. Just a bad dream," Dinah assured running her fingers through her locks.

"Wanna talk about it?" Zendaya asked. Dinah shook her head. She lurched forward, covering her mouth. Dinah ran to the small trash can by her desk, throwing up whatever was inside her stomach. "Are you okay?!"

"Yeah I'm fi-" She pulled the trash to her face, trying not to puke on the floor. When she was finished she sat back on the floor, catching her breath. "I'm fine Z. I think I'm gonna just...stay home today."

"You sure?"

"Yeah, go ahead. I'll see you when you get back."

"Okay. I love you."

"I love you too."


"I just wish they would've let me stay home. It's not like we're really doing anything in class. We're almost on spring break," Dinah said laying next to Zendaya.

"I'm sorry baby. Did you take any medicine?" Zendaya asked rubbing her girlfriend's belly.

"No, you know I don't like taking that stuff," Dinah said snuggling into the brunette's body.

"Well, I hope you feel better. Did you eat anything weird yesterday? Anything that looked out of the ordinary?"

"Not that I can remember." Dinah cleared her throat excusing herself, and ran into the bathroom. Zendaya could hear her emptying her insides, and it sounded painful.

She got up, and made her way next to the girl, holding her hair up in a makeshift ponytail. Zendaya tried comforting her, rubbing her back. "It's alright baby. It's gonna be okay."

"Thanks Daya. You're the-" The younger teen was cut off by the bile coming up her throat once again.

"You're welcome," Zendaya said. Claire walked past the bathroom, and stopped when she noticed what was happening.

"Are you okay Dinah? What happened sweetie?" Claire asked.

"She hasn't been feeling well all day. And she doesn't wanna take any medicine for it either," Zendaya said in a passive way.

"Y'all know I don't-" Dinah couldn't even finish her sentences anymore. She then sat back on her legs trying to catch her breath. "I'll be...fine Ms..Coleman. I swear, just some...bad food I'm...I'm sure."

"C'mon, I'll walk you home," Zendaya said helping Dinah to her feet.

"Feel better honey," Claire said.

"Thank you Ms. Coleman," Dinah replied. Claire looked at the two as they walked back to Zendaya's room. It was like something had changed between them, but she couldn't quite put her finger on it.


After Zendaya had left, Dinah went into her parents' bathroom. Thankfully she was the only one home, so no one was there to find it suspicious.

She knew what her target was, and she remembered seeing something like it in there once. It was a while ago and she hoped to god it was still there. Dinah looked under the sink, in the mirror cabinet, and lastly in the closet.

"Where is it?" Dinah whispered to herself. She snuck into their bedroom, and began looking around for it there. The brunette looked into her dad's side drawer, and found nothing but keys and his spare glasses.

Dinah went to the other side and searched her stepmom's drawer. Magazines, hair ties, keys, earrings, basically a bunch of junk. She was beginning to get frustrated and started to panic.

"C'mon, where is it?!" Dinah flailed about accidentally knocking her stepmom's makeup bag off the nightstand. The contents spilled out and her eyes lit up when she'd finally found it. "Yes!"

She returned everything to its place except the first response at home pregnancy kit. Her heart dropped. Fuck Daya. You could've just waited a few hours, Dinah mentally cursed her girlfriend.

After a few bottles of water, and a run to the bathroom, the blonde paced her bedroom floor waiting for the life changing results. Dinah did some jumping jacks to relieve the stress. "You're fine Dinah, you're fine. It's just some food poisoning I'm sure," the sixteen year old said to herself.

The timer on her phone went off. She looked over at the window facing Zendaya's bedroom. Tears immediately filled her eyes thinking of how everything n would be different if this test was positive. "Please be negative, please be negative, please be negative."

Dinah flipped the plastic over. Two bold pink lines. "Fuck!" She dropped to her knees letting out a sob. "How the hell did I let this happen?"

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