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"I swear sometimes the human race erks me. There's no point for them to be this damn annoying," Dinah ranted pacing in front of her window.

"She is your mom though. You're not always gonna agree," Zendaya pointed out.

"But it's not like the typical mom daughter shit. She knows I don't like him or his family, but never plans anything without them and has the nerve to complain when I don't want to come," Dinah continued.

Dinah sits in front of the window where her phone is perched. "I'm really over my family. I can't with them. They're too damn wishy washy," Dinah ran her hand through her blonde tresses.

"Babe you gotta give it time. They're not gonna make a decision over night," Zendaya tried reasoning.

"I'm not expecting them to. All I'm asking for is at least a 2-3 week time range, so I'll be prepared to sit around with these people and eat. She can at least give me that." They sat in silence for a while.

"I think this'll just be another thanksgiving at home cause I refuse to do this again. I'll see them at Christmas. It's too much to do anything last minute," Dinah declared.

"Well what if you guys didn't have to be by yourselves?" Zendaya asked. "I could come out there and we could do something."

"I don't want to take you away from your family around the holidays."

"You guys are my family, and I'd love to spend thanksgiving with y'all." A blush over took Dinah's cheeks.

"I-I don't wanna impose. And you wouldn't want Claire to get suspicious," Dinah said.

"Don't worry about her, okay? Just come up with some great places to eat if you don't wanna cook."

"Okay. I'll see you then."


Zendaya looked over her schedule with Darnell trying to figure out a good day to fly out there. She was also thinking of what to say when her family noticed her absence at thanksgiving dinner. It was gonna be hard considering the dinner was gonna be at her house.

"You can go on the twenty fourth, but you'll have to be back on the thirtieth for Euphoria reshoots," Darnell said.

"Okay, I can do that," Zendaya said running a hand through her hair, a habit she's been picking up being around Dinah. "Now how am I gonna give a good reason of why I can't host thanksgiving dinner?"

"Maybe you could say...you have last minute shoots in Florida," Darnell said.

"They know I wouldn't blow them off for work, not to mention mom knows I get off for thanksgiving," Zendaya said biting her lip.

"Umm...Noon needs a doctor who isn't able to travel, but you already booked the appointment," Darnell suggested. Zendaya's eyes lit up.

"Yes! You're a genius! Now I get to bring Noon! This is perfect. I'll go the twenty fourth, come back early the twenty eighth, and everybody's happy." After booking the flights and telling Dinah, Zendaya got ready for some much needed relaxation.

She loved her little family dearly, but with the flying back and forth she got tired quickly. She just needed some time to herself.


After Zendaya filled Dinah in on the plans for thanksgiving, Dinah decided to make an effort to cook since she hadn't in a while. Nothing too extravagant considering it'd only be the three of them and maybe Angie. Speaking of whom Dinah hadn't seen her in a while. Not since Alana was in the hospital.

"Mommy!" Alana shouted from the bathroom. She was taking a bubble bath while Dinah cleaned up a bit. "I wanna get out!"

"Alright! One second baby!" Dinah shouted back. She swept the last of the trash into the dust pan before throwing it out and putting the broom away. Once the blonde washed her hands, she made her way towards the back of the apartment and into the bathroom.

The bubbles in the tub were deflating, and she could tell it'd gotten cold by how Alana was shivering. Dinah pulled the drain from the tub, and grabbed Alana's loofa so she could properly wash herself and get out.

When they finished Dinah helped Alana into her towel. "Go dry off in your room bug. I'll be there in a second to help you get dressed."

"No, I dress myself Momma. I can do it," Alana said, as a matter of factly. Dinah was taken aback by the sudden burst of confidence.

"Okay, well if you say so. Don't forget to put on your lotion," Dinah reminded, watching her daughter toddle off.

"I know!" Dinah shook her head at the little girl. She definitely had her spirit, and Zendaya's face. It was crazy how she'd come out of her body, and the thought baffled her sometimes. As Dinah was cleaning up the water on the floor, her phone vibrated in her pocket.

ClaireDo you know something I don't?

Dinah's face went pale and her heart began to speed up. Fuck...how does she know? No, she doesn't. Just play it cool Dinah and everything will be fine.

DinahWhat do you mean?

ClaireZendaya's been going to Florida a lot lately. You wouldn't have anything to do with that would you???

DinahOfc not. I haven't talked to her in years

ClaireOkay but if I find out you're lying I'm taking my grandbaby

Dinah felt tears coming to her eyes. Fuck fuck fuck. She sank down to the ground, and all she could think about was Alana. She couldn't live without her, and it wasn't like Claire really cared about the girl. She'd probably somehow declare her unfit to be a mother, and Lana would end up in foster care.

Dinah's hands shook as she quickly dialed Zendaya's number. It rang for a moment. "Hey, you've reached Zendaya. Sorry I didn't answer but leave a message and I'll get back to ya. Bye!"

After the tone Dinah hurriedly rushed everything out, basically in one sentence. She needed her to answer, and fast. Lord knows what Claire had up her sleeve and Dinah sure as hell didn't want to find out.

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