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"Fuck, fuck, FUCK!" Dinah shouted as she looked down at the test in her hand again. "No, no it must be wrong. I just gotta get another one. Where the fuck am I gonna get a pregnancy test?" The blonde couldn't think straight. She couldn't see straight. She couldn't breath. The tears just rolled down her face at the thought of telling her parents. This was it for her. She never told Z, but she was practically always in trouble.

That time she snuck out of Zendaya's house when she was grounded, her dad happened to be passing by and her door happened to be wide open.

"Dinah Jane! I thought I told you, you couldn't see any of your friends since you saw them all at the mall during third period last week!" He exclaimed as she shut the window behind her.

"Dad, that's not fair! I had to tutor Zendaya and she just happens to be my friend. You also told me to always keep my promises. Am I supposed to listen to that too?!"

"Don't get smart with me young lady! I don't know who the hell you think you're talking to! And if you were really just tutoring why would you need to come in through the window?! Why wouldn't you just use the front door?!"

"Because I...I was...UGH!" she shouted.

"You were caught in a lie that's what! Be very fucking lucky I'm only extending your grounding cause I have the right mind to shut off your phone line!" And with that he slammed the door. She let out a sigh, thankful he didn't notice just how sex driven she looked.

Dinah waited for her parents to pull out of the driveway before running into the driveway to grab her bike. It was about a ten minutes ride to the nearest shopping complex, and she still had to make it back and take the test before they got back in half an hour.

She shook off the jitters and began peddling. Within thirty minutes she'd made it back home. The lady at the check out counter was making it difficult for her, making snide remarks and giving demeaning looks. Dinah darted up to her bathroom and ripped open the box. After taking both tests, she sat rocking against the sink.

Her phone began to buzz in her pocket. Daya😘.

"Hey, baby. W-What's up?" Dinah answered.

"Nothing, I just miss my girl. You aight? You sound shaky," Zendaya responded. Dinah ran a hand through her hair.

"No, no I'm alright baby. I'm fine just...walked up the stairs too fast is all," Dinah lied. Zendaya laughed on the other line as the timer went off on Dinah's phone. She took a deep breath and flipped over the tests. "U-Um b-baby I'll..call you back later. I'm gonna take a nap, okay?"

"Okay, can I come over when you wake up? I wanted to see you before I go to Oakland," Zendaya asked.

"U-Um, I gotta see baby but I'll let you know. I love you."

"I love you too mamas." They hung up and Dinah burst into tears dropping to the floor.



"I just don't see why I have to leave dad! Wouldn't it make sense if I was near Z so we could take care of it together?! I don't get why I have to move back with mom!"

"Because Dinah, we left Atlanta in the first place so that you would get a fresh start. Now you're here doing the exact same thing but now you're pregnant. So you can take yourself and that baby to your mother's house," Gordon said putting the last box in the trunk of his car. Dinah's eyes misted over as her brothers rolled out her suitcases. 

She looked over at her best friend's house and began to cry again. She thought she'd become dehydrated with all the crying she's done this week, but it was almost as if this pregnancy ignited something inside her to let the tears flow.

If only she could tell Zendaya, it'd all be okay. The many nights she thought of knocking on the girl's window and shouting it from the rooftops. Dinah couldn't stand the thought of not saying anything and leaving without seeing her one last time.

Idiot if you'd kept the test in your book bag none of this would never have happened, the blonde thought to herself.

"Say goodbye to your brothers and get in the car. If you miss that flight you'll need to get to Florida by yourself," Gordon said putting suitcase in the back seat. She hugged her brothers one last time, hoping to prolong her time there.

Dinah looked over at Zendaya's driveway hoping they'd pull up, or that the girl would come outside and see her. Please please please plea-

"Dinah get in the car!" Her father shouted. She kissed her brothers cheeks' and got in the backseat.

As they drove past Zendaya's house, another set of tears slipped down her face. I love you so much baby, she thought pressing a kiss to her fingers and resting them against the window.

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