💚~yandere!pregame!shuichi x reader~💚

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Warnings: sexual fantasy's
,stalkish behavior ,obsession with the main character and cussing,Slight gore


       I want y/n to be all mine and only mine...    She must be all mine...

              👾nobody's pov👾

Shuichi stared at y/n in class drooling hiding his face with his hat he was nothing less then obsessed with her. He had so many fantasy about her touching him. He's blush grew dark at the Thought of it all biting his lip. Y/n turned to him having a feeling of suspicion that he was looking at her. He turned his head the other way wiping the drool of it face so she wouldn't notice him he sat behind her and would obsess over her everyday. "Um shuichi you ok?" Y/n whispers turning to shuichi , he kept quiet still turned the other way knowing if he replied she would see the dark red on his face. *ding bong* suddenly the school was filled with teenagers laughing and walking. "Finally 2pm" y/n sighed get out of her chair "hey shuichi were you possibly staring at me today" y/n questioned walking over to him still not replying. Y/n got tired of it and grabbed his hat off his head "hey are you even listening to me?!" Y/n says annoyed "h-huh? Give it back y-y/n!" Shuichi said trying to grab it back hiding how obsessed he was. "Oo whats this" y/n says curiously while poking his ahoge on his head. "Ah~ y-y/n don't do that" shuichi moaned, y/n jumped back not expecting that to happen "I-I'm sorry" y/n says growing blush on her face. "I-it's fine just give me my hat back" shuichi says facing the door away from her. "H-here!" Y/n says throwing his hat at him and running blushing like crazy, y/n runs up to her best friend rantaro "what's wrong y/n?" Rantaro say worried closing his locker. "N-nothing!" Y/n says trying to forget the whole thing. "Was the creep shuichi staring at you again?" Rantaro asks.

"Well yes"

"Y-Y/N! ONE OF THESE DAYS HE MIGHT HURT YOU WE DONT KNOW HIS INTENTIONS!" Rantaro says worried this has been going on for two year, Rantaro was beyond tired of this every day he see's shuichi watch her from behind the corner "look over there..." Rantaro whispered pointing at saihara around the corner

          💚In saihara's fantasy 💚

"Ahh~ so rough" y/n moaned "such a good thot" shuichi said "please~ fuck me~" y/n yelled

  ✨out of his fantasy✨

"dude wake the hell up!" Rantaro said holding y/n's hand he had walked over to shuichi and was finally tired of his staring they weren't dating it just always freaked them out. "H-huh? Rantaro!?" Shuichi squeaked scared, shuichi looked down at y/n's hand in rantaro's he was jealous it wasn't him holding y/n's hand. "why do you stare at y/n all day?! It really creeps her out!" Rantaro say angry, "I-I'm sorry! She's just so perfect..." shuichi said as he started to fantasize again. "Listen dude if you like her fine but done stare the a fucking creep!" Y/n just stood there looking back and forth at the two boys arguing before getting tired of hearing them "BOTH OF YOU SHUT THE FUCK UP!" Y/n said pulling her hand away from rantaro's. They both kept quiet and stared at her with shocked looks that she yelled at them both. "Rantaro shut up for two seconds ok?" Y/n said looking at Rantaro with a innocent smile "Shuichi you obviously want something so what is it?" Y/n said looking at shuichi. "W-want to come watch danganronpa at my house?! There 36th season just came out!" Shuichi was always the loner he was also obsessed with all the guts in gory in danganronpa which made him stand out to everyone he loved seeing real people getting killed by there friends oh there beautiful looks of despair they would have after he found it so wonderful. That's why people gave

Warnings to stay away

To many people including y/n and rantaro he's a sicko. "F-fine" y/n stuttered to get out , Rantaro pulling y/n to the side "what are you doing he's probably going to kill you?!" Rantaro says worried "he might hurt us if I don't what if he follows me home and hurts my family! I could never live with that!" Y/n whispers almost in tears. Y/n looks at shuichi who's walking back and forth in the hallway dragging his fingers across the dark blue lockers. "Then let me go too!" Rantaro said "I-i fine let's ask shuichi" y/n growns knowing she can go without him
"H-hey shuichi can Rantaro come?" Y/n says hoping for a yes.
"Sure!" Shuichi says happily

      😔shuichi's thoughts😔
Finally this will give me a chance to get rid of that rantaro. I will make him pay, pay with his life for touching my y/n...
🌹back to normal pov🌹
Shuichi started to walk to out the school doors with rantaro and y/n following both with worried face's of what's to come, shuichi looked behind him to see rantaro and y/n next to each other talking. "Ugh I can't wait until this dudes dead" shuichi whispered to him self shuichi then put him self in between them making them stop talking they both turned away from the smiling shuichi.

"What's wrong you two? You were so talkative a second ago" shuichi says giving a fake smile at rantaro "well dude you just got in the way.." Rantaro says in a darkish tone looking at Shuichi. Shuichi gives him a frown before opening the door to his house. "Shuichi where are your parents?" Y/n says scared "huh oh you mean my uncle?...he is out of town" shuichi says looking away from them both of them in a cold tone. "Here have a seat...rantaro I have something for you follow me" shuichi says smiling pointing at the brown sofa in the living room. Rantaro sighed signaling for y/n to to stay and he will be safe.

Rantaro followed shuichi to his kitchen "here I have a gift for you" shuichi says before grabbing the nearest knife and stabbing him in the stomach, rantaro fell to his knees coughing up blood looking up at shuichi's twisted smile as his eyes lit up seeing Rantaro die before his own eyes, shuichi put the knife on the ground while leaning down to rantaro who was try to get up but couldn't "how could you do this?" Rantaro say with all his might "well you stole my y/n I can't forgive you for this" shuichi says grabbing the knife stabbing Rantaro in the back to finish him off, the last thing rantaro seen was shuichi's eyes filled with joy with a sick twisted smile on him.

🌺y/n's thoughts🌺
Where are they?! It has been a half hour. Should I go find them?oh god what if rantaro's hurt?-
🌿end of y/n's thoughts🌿

"Hey y/n I'm back!" Shuichi says with a innocent smile this time. "W-where's rantaro?" Y/n asks "..." shuichi was silence "SHUICHI W-WHAT DID YOU DO TO RANTARO?" Y/n yells crying shuichi walks over to her taking his hands from behind his back to show her the bloody knife with another twisted and dark smile "w-what?" Y/n says almost falling back due to shock. Shuichi goes up in her face and puts his hand of her chin making her look up "your all mine and only mine..." shuichi then stabs her left thigh making her fall and go unconscious from bleeding and shock from it all.

Y/n wakes up she only seen darkness and couldn't talk he mind flooded with fear. Where am I? What happened? IS RANTARO OK?! Why would shuichi do this? Y/n thought her arms and legs were restrained her arms were
Chained up. She could feel the cold wall on the backs in of her hand and the chain around her wrist. "I see your up y/n!" Someone said In excitement...was that shuichi? Y/n moved around trying to escape someway even though it had a low chance of working. Suddenly she could see shuichi in front of her he was holding a black and white checkered bandana to use as a blindfold, y/n looked down to see she's on a bed in her underwear, y/n wanted to scream but knew she couldn't "since your mine I gave you a bed to sleep on! I'm nice enough I won't rape you!"(a/n: please note I won't write rape) shuichi then moved to show you the dead rotting corpse of your once best friend rantaro missing a eye his mouth stuck in a screaming position with bugs crawling outside his missing eye socket

Your mine forever

Hope you enjoyed I know it was fun to write something scary

If you can vote please do I'm proud of this and want more people to see :)

Words: 1526

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