Chapter Six

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Camila's POV

I stood there looking at Lauren holding this baby, I wasn't expect a bomb like this when I knocked on that door.

"Your son?" I said, still in shocked.

"Yeah." She says simply.

I dragged my eyes from the baby and I made eye contact with her.

"Why didn't I know you had a baby?"

She takes a breath. "It's a long story."

"Well I'm very interested in that story."

"Camila, I'm really tired I can't right now."

I stared at her for a moment, she did look really tired.

This was someone I cared so much about but my thoughts were running away with me. Who keeps their child a secret, it's been three months and I had zero idea. I had so many questions but I will keep them to myself for now.

"Okay, you don't have to explain anything right now but you look like you could use some help."

"No, Camila I can't ask you to do that."

"I'm not asking, so let me in." I told her.

She steps to the side and lets me in and she closes the door behind me. I looked around her once tidy apartment, there was stuff everywhere. There were several packages all over the place, and it looked like a baby store just threw up in here.

"I told you that this place was a mess." She says.

"What is all of this?" I asked.

"I ordered a few things for him."

I looked at the boxes again. "A few?"

"Just what I thought he would need. I just haven't gotten a chance to open any."

She goes over to the couch and sits down with the baby.

Looking at her I could see that she wasn't only physically tired but mentally also.

I take a seat beside her placing the food on the coffee table, and she looks at me. "I know that you weren't expecting any of this."

"No, I definitely wasn't. You can really keep a secret can't you?" I gave her a smile.

She rakes her fingers through her hair. "I honestly don't know what to say Camila."

I shrugged. "This just shows me that we don't really know much about each other. We have never once got personal with each other, now I can see why."

She pressed her lips together. "The past does help in molding the person we become but you know who I am Camila. I've never once lied to you."

"It doesn't feel that way, you don't owe me an explanation we're not in a relationship but I know that we have a strong connection and there is no denying that. So, I just don't understand why you wouldn't tell me about this. Do you not trust me with this?" I asked.

"I promise you Camila this has nothing to do with how I feel about you. I trust you Camila, I really do but this has nothing to do with that. I was just trying to leave my demons in the past, this isn't easy for me."

"This is one of your demons you were running from, your kid?" I gestured to the baby.

I don't think she liked my comment.

"I know that this looks bad but I promise this isn't what you're thinking." She defended.

"I don't want to assume but that's what you do when you don't know anything." I said.

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