Chapter Eight

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Lauren's POV

Over the last week Camila and I have been spending as much time together as we could, we still had school and Camila worked a couple times a week. The time that we did spend together was really great, and we were really getting to know each other. I was counting down the seconds until I got to see her again.

I was finally going to work out with Demi today and I was so excited, it's been a couple of weeks since I worked out so I know I was going to be sore after this workout.

I had to bring Lucas with me, but I'm pretty sure that he will sleep the whole time.

I pulled up to the gym and I parked and turned off the car.

I grabbed Lucas' stroller from my trunk then I put him in it and I grabbed his diaper bag and I put it in the basket under the stroller, then I grabbed my gym bag then I made my way inside.

I really couldn't believe that I had to do all of this extra stuff.

Things that used to be simple like getting out of the car was more of an effort.

I went in and Demi was waiting for me and I saw the look of confusion on her face when she seen the stroller. She obviously didn't know about Lucas, I just hate having to explain him to people.

"Do you know that you have a baby?" Demi joked.

I chuckled. "Oh, I know."

"He looks just like you so I'm not going to ask if he's yours." She says.

I shook my head. "He doesn't look just like me."

"Yes he does." She said.

"Are you going to workout with us little guy?" Demi said to him.

Lucas gave her a big smile.

"He is adorable."

This kid just gets all of the attention.

"Come on, let's get started." Demi says.

I followed after Demi.

Lucas was only quiet for the first thirty minutes then he started to flip out. He wasn't hungry because I fed him before we came and he kept spitting his pacifier out.

"I'm sorry that he's being like this." I said to Demi.

I got Lucas out of the stroller and started swaying him in my arms, he calmed down immediately. He obviously just wanted to be held because he was now smiling at me now.

I looked at this baby and shook my head.

"I might have to call it." I told Demi.

"Give him to me and we can continue." She says.

"Are you sure?" I asked.

"Yeah, you're just getting a workout in. We don't have to get on the mat today."

I nod. "Okay,"

She takes Lucas from me and she puts me through some drills. She was holding a baby yet she was still able to give me a tough thorough workout.

After my workout Demi and I sat on one of the mats, she was still holding Lucas.

"Why didn't you tell me you have a kid?" Demi asked.

"It's not something I like to share." I said.

"Its really none of my business."

I took a breath. "My parents were keeping him while I got settled in Seattle."

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