Chapter Five

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Lauren's POV

"Are you alright ma'am."

I looked up from where I was sitting to see airport security standing over me.

I took a breath and wiped my face. "I'm okay."

"You sure?" He said.

I stood up. "Yes."

I looked down at the sleeping baby then back to the man who looked concerned.

"I'm okay." I reassured.

He seemed satisfied and walked away.

I looked at the baby once more and I couldn't believe that he was here.

Gathering all the strength I had in me I grabbed the suitcase and carry-on, then I grabbed the carrier with the baby in it and I left the airport.

Once I got to the car I put the baby in the back seat and the bags in the trunk. I leaned on my car and pulled out my phone and attempted to call my mother again, she was ignoring my fucking calls.

"I can't believe this is happening."


"Lauren, are you planning on going back to school?" My mother asked.

I was in my bedroom under my covers, the only place I wanted to be after what happened to me.

"I'm not going back to that campus." I said.

"You can't just drop out." She says.

"I'm doing online, until I can enroll somewhere else."

"What other college here did you apply for?" She asked.

"They are all far away, whichever one accepts me first that's where I'm going."

"You can't just run away, Lauren."

I looked at her. "I can't be here, don't you get that. I can't walk down the street without being called a whore."

"Lauren, it will blow over."

I sat up. "Are you insane! He is the mayors son, my face is plaster over every local news station. Everyone thinks I'm just a scorned ex-girlfriend who wanted to get back at him. I lost the trial and he gets to walk around scot free while I'm left with nothing. I can't even leave this fucking house!" I fussed.

"You cannot let him win, Lauren." She said.

"He already did!" I said, tears starting to falling from my eyes.

"You cannot think that way." She tried to give me a comforting touch but I pushed her hand away.

"Can you leave?" I asked.

She stood there for a moment before leaving my room closing the door behind her.

I laid back down and I started to cry, then I felt something stir in me and I placed my hand on my swollen belly. I was pregnant with his child and I was reminded of what happened to me every time this child moved.

I had absolutely no intention of keeping this child, I wanted it to be okay and healthy and I wanted the baby to grow up happy. I want that for it but this wasn't easy, and it was taking such a huge mental toll on me.

I just needed to be a little stronger and wait just a little bit longer.


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