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Lauren's POV

Most people in my position feel hopeless and weak, they become a victim. I'm suppose to be a victim, but I refused to see myself that way. If anything I was a survivor, I'm still here and I'm fighting for what's mine. I could be a victim I could just sit and whine about everything that's happened to me but I'm not. I had something taken away from me that I couldn't get back, my peace of mind. Knowing that I could go anywhere and be assaulted wasn't a good feeling. You don't think about those things, you don't think that someone is just going to randomly assault you when your walking down the street, or going to the mail box. Or just answering the door to your dorm room, and not expecting a guy you knew very well to enter and rape you. But I'm not a victim I can't be, I can't let what he did to me make me a victim. I was in my sanctuary when he enter, he assaulted me while I was doing my homework. No I'm not a victim I'm a survivor, he wanted me to be helpless but I was anything but. Survivors fight, and that's was what I did. There was no way I would let him get away with this.

But what most people don't understand is that you can't always win a fight, no matter how hard the effort. So that last day of court after the judge was going over everything, he ruled in his favor leaving him free to go while I was left with shit. I didn't understand how this could this happen he shouldn't have gotten away with it. I mean what if he did this to other girls, what if he came back after me. This whole thing was such bullshit, he should pay for what he did to me. He doesn't deserve to be free, he deserved to rot in a prison where the inmates can have their way with him. That's what he deserved. What I thought didn't matter though obviously, he was going free. Now I'm stuck in a school that he went too.

Walking out of court that day I knew I need a change. This wasn't going to change but I didn't have to be around him. I needed so desperately to have my peace of mind again, I couldn't gain that back while he was around. 

My parents stood in front of me telling me how sorry they were and could they do something. I had an idea to change things, and to try and gain back my peace of mind.

"Yes, I want to transfer."

They agree and next thing I know I'm flying out to a new college, praying that this one would be different from the last. I know that it probably wasn't the best thing running away but there were reminders about what happened to me, literally staring me in the face.

I need to make a change I just hope I was making the right one.


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