Chapter Seven

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Lauren's POV

It's been a couple of weeks since the baby was left here, and I was finally able to get my footing. I still wasn't 100% comfortable and everyday presented a new challenge but I was handling it.

Camila has been really great, she helped me whenever she could and it meant a lot to me because she didn't have to.

I was able to find a daycare to put Lucas in when I had my classes, the only thing I haven't been able to do is work out with Demi. She has been calling but I have had to cancel on her several times, but I will hopefully get back to it soon. Keeping in shape was very important to me and it really helped with my sanity.

I still hadn't heard from my mother, which was completely insane, I just really needed to know why she did what she did. The way that its going I don't think I will ever know why she did what she did.

"Lauren, do you want to grab a bite to eat after class." Normani asked.

I was sitting in my creative writing class taking notes.

"I would love to but I already have plans." I told her.

It would have been nice to take her up on that but I needed to get Lucas from daycare. This was my life now and I wasn't too happy about it.

"Okay that's fine, rain-check?" She says.

"Of course." I gave her a smile.

That was my last class of the day, I said goodbye to Normani then I left the campus to go and get Lucas.

Once I get to the daycare I parked my car and kept it running, pick ups were quick so there was no need cutting off the car off.

I walked into the daycare and was greeted by the nice daycare workers.

One of the daycare workers was holding Lucas, they really loved him here. Someone is holding him every time I come in here, they basically rip him out of my hands when I drop him off.

I signed him out then they brought him over to me along with his diaper bag. I waved them goodbye then Lucas and I were on our way.

When we got to the apartment I put Lucas in his bouncer and I handed him a toy and I immediately started my homework. Lucas was calm right now and it was the best time to do it.

I actually got my work done because Lucas took a nap it doubled my homework time. While he was taking a nap I went to the kitchen to find something to cook for dinner. When I got to the kitchen I open the fridge I realized that I didn't have any food to cook. I have been so focused on making sure I had stuff for Lucas that I was forgetting about me.

I couldn't go to the grocery store until Lucas woke up I didn't want to cut his nap short.

I sat on the couch and I grabbed my journal and I started to write, my words flowed. Time seems to fly when I write, it was no time before Lucas woke up.

I changed his diaper then gave him a bottle then we took a quick trip to the grocery store. It was a really quick trip, I just got something for me to cook. I would save a full grocery trip for the weekend.

Once I got home I place my bags on the table then I put Lucas in his bouncer and brought it into the kitchen so that I could cook.

While I was in the middle of cooking my phone started to ring, I looked over at my phone to see who it was. I smiled when I seen that it was Camila, I answered it then put it on speaker.

"Hello." I said.

"Hey Lauren." She says.

"What's going on?" I asked.

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