XV- Thirty First Night

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All the league stood near the boxes as the man standing on the other side if the room talked, Shitsumei was sitting on one of the boxes; listening very carefully, what scared her was that she was able to hear more then one person on the other side, i'm probably imagining, her mind convinced her.

" you brought a crazy big fish, huh, Twice ? " Shigaraki said in a very despised tune, although the room was silent, everyone can feel the tension in the air, as if in any second everyone will start attacking.

which actually happened not long after.

Shitsumei made sure to stay in the back, the feeling grew inside her chest, there's someone watching the feeling grew even stronger, and then she heard it, for a second she thought a balloon exploded; but the smell of blood told her otherwise,  her body started trampling, " Megan ! " she heard Twice scream and tears already were forming on the edge of her eye.

it felt like she's back in the alley where she killed her first victims, she felt her heart pounding in her ear, she felt like she just killed Megan herself.

with the storm in her head, she couldn't hear what have been said, and only did she zoom back to reality when Dabi talked, " don't even think about getting close to her " he threatened; his voice deeper then what usually it is.

a chuckle was heard as Shitsumei changed her position; now squatting on the box, as she again felt like being watched, her breath got even heavier, as she tried her best to focus on any sound in the air instead of her own heartbeat.

in seconds she was already on the floor, as a needle was shot exactly where she was sitting, without wasting any second; almost as if she heard his thoughts, Shitsumei darted to the other side of the room, and surely more needles were staking to walls, floors and any object there is.

Dabi held a breath in, feeling his flames burning him from inside, he wanted to step just one foot closer; so his flames would burn the bird masked man completely, but he stopped when he heard Blindness yell as she sprinted " DON'T MOVE T-DABI " she choked on her words.

and once she rounded one of the corners, she opened her eyes; hoping her calculators aren't in the wrong.

they weren't.

Overhaul's body fell to the ground and all his men surrounded him in fear, but Shitsumei was in a different world, it was so gloomy there, so much blood and screams, almost nothing mead sense, soon she couldn't hear Dabi's voice calling her; she couldn't hear Twice talking to himself she couldn't hear Toga she couldn't hear anything. she felt deaf.

she gulped as she tried to process what's happening, from far she spotted a dentist's chair, is he scared of dentists ? she wondered as she walked towards the chair, but the closer she got the more things she noticed.

the chair was all smudged in blood; to the point where it was dripping down the chair, and it looked so fresh; it smelled so fresh, her footsteps being almost the only sound in the whole place, she stood over the chair, eyes winding in horror, it felt as if she lost all her senses in a matter of seconds.

in the chair was the body of a small child, Shitsumei couldn't tell if it was a boy or a girl, because their body was ripped, it barely looked like a child anymore it looked like a pile of crushed bones and blood and guts.

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