Prologue - Her Eyes

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Usually bars are not crowded after midnight, but today was special; you can smell alcohol before you even entire the alley, Dabi was sitting in the left corner with a half empty beer bottle on his table; he never gets drunk by one bottle so he's completely sober, watching the screen from far away like everyone else.

Today is the U.A sport festival and almost every villain in Japan is somewhere watching how it goes, most of them were there only to see the violence; broken noses or burned bodies you name it, but Dabi wasn't there to waste his time like that, he doesn't give a single fuck to what happens in U.A, but this year is different, because he knew that someone with his bloodline was there.

Dabi already watched what happened live, but he still wanted to rewatch it again, he hated the feeling he gets whenever he look at his brother; whenever he see Shoto he feels like his heart is the heaviest thing in his whole body, but he still couldn't stop himself from re-watching it.

" next, we have the girl who didn't let her disability stop her from dreaming, Shitsumei Pamanento !! " the well known hero Present Mic screamed at his mic making the scarred man close his eyes harshly with his eyebrows almost touching in disturb, " now they make disable kids become heros ? what's wrong with this society ? " a man from the other side yelled at the screen and other people joined him in complaining.

Dabi rolled his eyes quietly while taking another sip from his bottle, he glimpsed at the screen again to see a feminine figure walking towards the battle ground, long straight pumpkin hair almost touching her thighs and a soft face, he changed his position and put his legs on the table leaning on the chair towards the wall behind him.

" against the rock mountain,
Kirishima Eijirō ! " the yellow speaker screamed again but this time Dabi wasn't focusing on his goat screams, the girl had a white cane in her hand; touching the ground in front of her till the stick touched the edges of the battleground, they let blind people fight ? are they trying to reduce the population ?  he thought to himself looking at her non masculine body.

The pumpkin haired girl left her cane out of the battleground before walking in, her eyes closed slowly since she appeared on the screen, she'll get killed; he thought again, " ready ?? Fight ! ", Kirishima hardened his body before running with his fist up towards her, Dabi's hand tighten on the bottle in his hand, but she didn't move at all.

Once his fist was an inch away from her, she opened her eyes so widely; for a second Dabi thought her eyes were all white before he noticed that they were grey; tired grey, his heart sank immediately, they reminded him of someone, he didn't want the thought to cross his mind at all, so he hang the almost empty bottle up, drinking every drop; trying to disconnect from the world, it hardly worked

" please stop ! it's not like that- I'm not like that stop ! " Dabi turned his head to the screen again to see the red head boy laying on the ground, his eyes were watery and his iris was turning from red to grey to almost white, what in the world is her quirk ? the question crossed his mind.

She kept her eyes open; almost not blinking at all, she bend down and slowly held his shoulders, the red head was paralyzed and not fighting back at all; just yelling nunsense, she just pulled him out of the battleground and without moving a finger, she won.

When the cameraman changed his angel to take a closer look to her face, it was shown that her eyes were actually light baby blue; so light that he mistaken them to be grey, " annnddd Blindness winnnn !, Shitsumei Pamanento or Blindness, quirk: Blind Mind ! if you look at her eyes your mind will be connected with hers making her able to know your fears and secrets and hold you hostage so don't get her maddd~ " annoying speaker the scarred boy thought.

So... Shitsumei Pamanento ? I'll take this into consideration...

If we ever met...


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