V - Eighth Night

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Dabi visits her dorm once every a couple days, he still tease her most of the time, but it became a routine for her; waiting for him every night, she hated that she felt empty the day he doesn't visit, and feel an ease when he's around.

She started warming up to him, and doing her hair was now his new habit whenever she gets quite around him, it's all became a routine for both of them.

So when Dabi didn't visit her for almost two weeks, she was almost freaking out, did they catch him ? she always leave the news channel open whenever she's at her room, Yuri now became one with the glass door; always in front of it.

Her combat was back to normal for a few weeks but now it's starting to drop again, she can't help not to worry and she hated it, every time she would catch herself thinking of him it made her feel disgusting.

She was sitting in her class when the break started, since she's disable they let her stay for as long as she needs, she was supposed to do her homework so when she go back to the dorms she can watch the news till she falls asleep, but there she is biting her nails and thinking.

Once she noticed she slapped herself, why the fuck are you thinking about him now ?? a voice yelled in the back of her mind.

Finally the day was over and she headed to her dorm; Yuri was still next to the glass door, " Alexa open the TV " Shitsumei ordered.

Nothing, nothing about him was on TV, not even the smallest hint of him attacking or killing someone, it's driving her insane.

She leaned on the couch rubbing her face intensely, is he mad at me ? she tried to get the idea out of her mind but she couldn't, is it because I'm always cold ?.

A knock came from her dorm door, it was Denki " hey Nento-chan the whole dorm will sit in the backyard to watch the meteors tonight, you have to come with Yuri ! ".

All she wanted to say was  ' no ' but, she remembered it's been long since the last time Yuri had a walk, and maybe filling her schedule will make her stop thinking.

She put the leash on Yuri and went to the elevator with Kaminari, he was so excited that most of the time he was yelling " I heard that those meteors appears only once every ten years ! do you see how lucky we are ?! " and she only hummed to answer him.

The leash in her left hand while her white stick in the other, she felt a hand on top of hers, " I'm happy that you finally came to sit with us.. " Kaminari said quietly.

Yuri gave him a glare, but Shitsumei just acted like she's blind; which she is, he didn't let go of her hand, and she didn't give him anything in return.

Finally the elevator doors opened and they got out, once they were in the backyard Bakugo yelled at them " you were able to get the fucking rabbit out of her dame hole ? you deserve one respect point for that airhead ".

The place was crowded and she can feel it, Kaminari finally let go of her hand to grab something and as soon as she had the chance she kneeled next to her husky and whispered " find a quiet place for us Yuri ".

The dog barked cheerfully with her tail wiggling and started walking through the crowd, the noise was now far from her ear, it was a corner.

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