XIII - Twenty Sixth Night

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Next morning, Shitsumei woke up slowly, sharp pain in her back from sleeping on the ground, her head on Yuri who was still asleep, she reached her hand looking for Dabi, he wasn't there.

she had his jacket covering her, she got up trying to calm her nerves down, Yuri yawned before going back to sleep, " Dabi ? " Shitsumei called to the void, no answer.

did they catch him ? was the first thing that popped into her head, leaning on a wall behind her, she started walking randomly, don't panic.

the knife in the pocket of her jeans touched her thigh as she walked, her hand reached for it, a sound caught her attention, her body shifted, ready to attack.

something broke under her foot, chills ran in her veins, she heard someone running towards her and her whole body froze, just like yesterday.

move ! don't freeze, hide fight do something ! she yelled at her body, once the sound was just at the turn, she pulled her knife and pointed it towards the sound, her eyes full open.

" pumpkin put those eyes away so I can look at you without going to sleep early " Dabi said while looking the other way, and she finally let her body shake, " fuck you scared me " she yelled before leaning on the wall.

he chuckled, before moving the bag in his hand " I just went to get you food " he explained innocently, " oh you got food ? " her expression looked like a curious dog.

Dabi sat on his knees next to the sleepy dog, he handed her a tuna sandwich, and gave Yuri one too, " you didn't steal it did you ? " Shitsumei asked before eating, " if I stole it I wouldn't have came here in one piece, I took the money you had on your school uniform ".

a relaxed sigh escaped her as she took a bite, " you need to eat well, we have a long journey " he mumbled while chewing, " really ? where are we going ? " she looked up at him.

" well, I'll take you to the base " he said.
" what base ? " she raised an eyebrow.
" babe I'm a villain, I'll take you to the base with the other fuckers ".
" you mean the guy that was with you when you attacked the camp ? ".
" he's one of them " he raised his shoulders.

after that Shitsumei seemed like she's thinking deeply, he kept staring at her, her hair reaching the ground, the bruises on her knees from yesterday,

he opened his mouth slightly without taking his eyes off her knees " Shitsumei, do you still want to be a hero ? ", she looked a little surprised by the question, " I don't know anymore.. ".

at this point, she has no idea what's coming next, all she knows is that she'll follow Dabi till the end, " but you need to know, it's your life " he said with his hand on her knee, rubbing the sore bruise.

it's my life ? it is my life.. she giggled a little, hugging her knees to her chest, " it's my life.. " she whispered, " it never really was mine you know.. " she blurted with a broken smile.

his heart ached, moving closer to her, " I was always the weakest, most useless out of my siblings, never had a choice " she tilted her head; resting it on her knees while facing him.

" you're not weak " he whispered while playing with the end of her hair, " I am weak, if it wasn't for you yesterday, I would be in my wedding dress right now " she laughed miserably.

he cupped her face with one hand, her eyes were open slightly, " if you want to become stronger, I'll help you, just don't say that about yourself " his words soften at the end, her lips curved a smile.

leaning towards each other, they weren't a part of the society anymore, no one can stop them now, living in the shadows; together.


both walking in the dark forest, she sighed loudly as Dabi re-warned her for the 12th time since this morning, " Touya I swear I get it, don't get close to any one, don't answer their questions, if they attack me I attack them " she waved her white stick around.

" and you can't call me that in there, no one knows my real identity, and don't tell them your real name ! " he warned again, " how the fuck do you live with them if you literally don't talk to them about anything ?! " she yelled while laughing at how extra he is.

rolling his eyes at how she's not taking him seriously, " if you can see how they look, especially that handyman, you'll understand why I don't trust them " he whined, and she laughed again.

messing her hair as he rubbed her head playfully, " your name once we step in there is blindness, understood ? " he said with a smile, " okay okay, just stop messing my hair " she pushed his hand away.

after more three miles, they reached the shaggy base, Dabi opened the door and she felt way too many eyes looking at her, and her nails were between her teeth.

a dying dry voice said " really ? you brought another high school girl ? ", while a feminist voice was squeaking infinitely, Dabi walked in and she followed behind him as his hand didn't leave her arm as he held Yuri leash in the other hand.

they stopped and Dabi pulled her hand up, " this here, is Blindness; my...partner " his voice was way more rough and flat, " and this is Yuri " he introduced the doggo.

Shitsumei looked at Dabi; offended, his hand slipped to hers, holding it slightly, she can hear someone jumping around them, " Dabiii haveee a girlfrienddd " the girl yelled as Dabi sighed loudly.

a hand laid on the pumpkin girl shoulders, " oh my god oh my god how long were you together ?? are those hickeys ?? you need to tell how he is in bed ! does he have any kincks !?? I love blood and knifes but I always imagined him being a sadist, I'm Toga by the way ! " the girl talked so fast that Blindness exe stopped working.

the dry dying voice said again " well that's a cute dog.. " and Dabi hissed at him " don't touch her with all your fingers ", well maybe I'd like this place..

" I'm Twice ! I don't trust you with my life, I really like your hair ! let's be friends ! " the voice changed two times and again our protagonist exe stopped working.

well...I guess this is home..

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