Chapter 38- Acceptance

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I can't bring myself to step foot into the cell Hershel's currently occupying. Blood everywhere. Still unconscious, but still breathing. I just can't. No matter how much I try to push myself. I'm lucky Glenn's standing right next to me. Emotional and moral support.

"Please. Don't tell me what happened. I've got way too much time on my hands and a very vivid imagination..." I trail off with a sad tone and look up at Glenn, who looks at me with a sad look.  Everything's sad nowadays. He's taller than me, but definitely smaller than Daryl. Glenn slowly sits down next to me on the round table in the little 'canteen'.

It's been five hours since the men left with the prisoners to god knows where and Hershel still hasn't woken up. I can't help but worry about either of those cases.

What if... What if Hershel dies? We would loose a valuable member of this group. Two people in one day. That'd be tragic. A father and a... Let's say 'doctor'. A friend. The man that gave us shelter when we were in need. But no. He'll survive! He'll stay alive to see Maggies and Glenn's baby grow. I'm a pessimist, but I'm positive Hershel will live.

Then there's the other matter. What if the prisoners kill Rick, Daryl and T-Dog? What if... What if they kill all the men and keep the women? Alex, Beth, Maggie, Carol, Lori, me... I don't want to think of the things they'd do. No, that ain't gonna happen. Rick's gonna handle this situation well. I know it. And if not, I'll protect this group with my own life. Not that it would really be a loss if I died.

"It's getting late. We should go take watch..." I break the terrible silence with a mumble and walk towards the red, metal doors that separate us from the courtyard. But Glenn doesn't follow. He looks hesitant and unsure. What? Is he okay? Ah. He wants to stay with Maggie.

"It's okay. I'll take Carl. Stay with Maggie, she needs you now. More than ever." I assure him and he looks at me with a thankful expression. Anything for him. I still wonder what he wanted to tell me though. I'm curious.

"I'll go and get Carl" he says and with that, I'm enveloped with deafening silence yet again. Whatever he was so nervous about and wanted to tell me earlier, he'll tell me later. I'm positive he will. Damn. For a pessimist, I'm quite optimistic lately.

After a few quiet seconds, Carl storms towards me, Rick's hat on and his gun in place. Damn... This kid's all grown up now. A teenager. Time flies by. "Ready, kiddo?" I ask, smiling at him gently. But there's something wrong with him. He's not okay. The way he's walking with his head bowed down, looking at the uninteresting ground.

Carl just shakes his head a 'yes' and walks past me without even so much as glancing at me. Why you gotta be so rude, Carl.

'Ignorance is you new best friend'

Oh, shut it, Paramore. Holy shit I really am going insane. Talking to myself, not showing a sign of emotion.

"Spill the beans, Carlito." I put a reassuring arm around his small shoulders and pull him close, earning myself a soft chuckle from the stressed teen. What's happened to him since we woke up a few hours ago? That's a stupid question. That's like asking me if I'd turn the time back and live in the old world. I'm sure a part of me would. But the more prominent part would keep the world as it is. Yes, there are drooling cannibals here, but I've also got the group. And if it weren't for this apocalypse, I doubt I would have ever met them.

Any of my readers listen to Pierce the Veil? Or Asking Alexandria? Bring me the Horizon? No? Ok😔 I'm hoping to make the next chapter kinda psychological and based about the way certain people feel... Might even change P.O.V's throughout the chapter... I'm sorry that this chapter was small, I was really tired.
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