Chapter 22- Human Sushi

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We pull over at a row of big houses. The street sign says 'Destiel St.'. Why Rick decided to stop his car on this deserted street is beyond me. Maybe to scavenge? Most likely.

A few months ago, these houses would have been full of loving families doing family stuff and the streets full of little kids playing various games. Amazing how that can change so fast. But where did they all go? I don't need much time to think of an answer for that question.

I get off the motorcycle with as much grace as I can muster up, yet it's still terrible and it makes Daryl chuckle. Well, I'm glad I can make him laugh at my expense...

I pull my machette out of its firm holder, noticing Daryl looking at me. I throw him a light smile and strike a pose, my left hand going to my hip and my right hand pointing the sharp weapon to the grey sky. Sort of like the historical statues you get of men doing meaningful posing like this before they go to battle. Napoleon did this pose I think. He was on a horse though. I'm not too educated when it comes to history, but I still know my basic stuff.

This earns me a few chuckles and a few odd stares, also a glare from Carol, but I just laugh it off. Laughing. Something I missed and didn't even realise. I've not laughed for a few days now. Strange how something so natural can be put off by sadness and despair.

"C'mon Barbie" Daryl says sarcastically, winking and taking my left hand in his rough right one. It makes my stomach do the flips. This is PDA. It's so bold and I'm not really used to it. By the look of it, neither is Daryl. What do others think of us? Are they all staring at us? No, they're not. But I can't help thinking that they are. Is he okay with holding my hand? I mean, he wouldn't if he wasn't but-

Beth jogs towards us and walks on the right side of me, a sturdy-looking kitchen knife in her small hand. She looks so much older like this. Like the world shaped out a perfect fighter to put into this merciless game called life. To win the end game. That's what you'd probably think if you didn't know her.

I remember Shane and Rick teaching all of us how to use a gun back at the farm, but I wasn't the best at it. Sure, I'll hit my target, but I just don't like using guns. They're too loud in my opinion. Plus, my machete is so much better. I also remember giving Beth private lessons on how to use a knife in a hand-on situation. She wasn't too bad. That's how she has a knife instead of a gun. Also, guns are loud if you don't have a silencer. I really don't like guns...

"You guys are so cute!" she giggles and looks ahead at the fired up Rick and Glenn who are just getting ready to inspect the first house. There's about 9. So far, no walkers. Which is good, because there's less of a chance of anyone becoming human sushi.

Daryl snorts and rolls his eyes, something I was going to do myself. "We're not cute." I mutter and chuckle, bumping my shoulder against Dixon's playfully. I know he must hate being called 'cute' and so do I, but I don't want to ruin Beth's fun. But I also don't want to stoke the wrong cord with Daryl. Although he does look to be at ease today.

We stop in front of the giant, three story house which Glenn and Rick are inspecting. It's a blackish-grey colour, has barely any windows and the lawn is uncut. Okay, keeping a nice garden while flesh eating assholes want to take a bite of your delicious skin isn't exactly easy to do and is not a top priority.

"Okay then, you guys are manly" she chokes out between little laughs. Manly? I chuckle along with her girly laughing and get joined by T-Dog, Carl and Hershel even though it wasn't immensely funny. I mean, if it cheers some people up, then so be it. It's making me sad that all these people seem to be hopeless.

"Clear!" We hear Glenn shout from inside the strange house and we all slowly make our way into the house to scavenge for anything useful.

The house is giant. Every footstep echoes off the black, empty walls. The ceilings are high and the furniture is all black leather. Guess the people that lived here liked black. There's a small hallway leading into a ridiculously big livingroom made up of black furniture and from there, a couple more hallways leading to different rooms. I sort of like it. And of course, it's all black. There's even a large black piano in the corner of this room. It all looks to be untouched.

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