Chapter 20- Nothing Else Matters

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I gently pull away from my safe rock called Daryl after a few quiet moments and look around our small, broken group. I dropped the big bomb. I wouldn't blame them if they wanted me gone. I want me gone. Gone from his world. This fucked up planet. I'm not needed here. What's my purpose? Kill as many of those evil sons of bitches as possible? What a goal...

Lori, Hershel, Maggie and T-Dog look at me in a weird way. Almost accusing. That's how I'd look at myself too if I could. But I can't. I wonder if that changed something about our relationships. Are we still friends? Or what you could consider friends?

But those looks are nothing compared to what Carol's looking at me like. Glaring is the word I'd use to describe her expression. But I'm afraid it isn't a powerful enough of a describing word. If we were alone, I don't think she would hesitate in throwing a few odd slaps.

"And you kept this from us? The whole time? How could you! Rick, I told you we shouldn't have let her stay!" Carol lashes out, pointing her thin dirty finger at my flushed face. How dare she fucking say that? She has no right. I'm a huge hypocrite, I know. But she just lost her daughter a day ago. I can't really- fuck it.

I feel anger boil inside me and try to pull away from Daryl's firm grasp to do something I'd regret, but he still has a hand on my shoulder, holding me back. Almost as if he knew I would hurt that old bitch if he let go of me. He's right. For once, I'm afraid of what I might do.

"Carol, that's enough. Diana is more that welcome to stay with this group." Ricks stern voice cuts her off. But I do see that he's a little thrown off. From what, I can't exactly pinpoint. There's been too much drama and running and death lately.

Seriously, what is up with this woman? Until now I didn't even know it was true for crist sake! And I'm just as shocked as she is, so fuck her. Do you see me trying to take my anger out on others? I don't think so.

"Listen to me you little bitch. I had no idea what so ever that what Penny said was true until now. I thought it was her being delusional due to the motherfucking bite. So please quit shouting or you'll attract walkers. You don't want me here? You want me gone? Fine. I'll go. But remember this, next time I see you, I'm going to deck you. I'm going to make you regret the day you were born. Understand?" I say calmly, with a certain flair to my voice that makes Beth show fear. I fold my arms across my chest and look her dead in her cold eyes. That's all I can say basically. The words hurt me a bit, but they're necesary.

And anyway, what's life without hurt? Nothing. Everything hurts. When you stub your toe on the edge of a table, when you get a headache, when you find out about your favourite band splitting up. Yes, My Chemical Romance, I'm talking about you, you cunts.

The group is dead silent, only leafs being blown around by the wind. It's a nice day. Beth puts her tender hand on my shoulder, noding slightly. What is she- "If Diana goes, I go too" she announces, giving Carol a threatening glare and Rick a slight sarcastic smile.

Oh no. What the hell does she think she's doing? This sets off a chain reaction. A number of 'me too' echoes around us and I watch the shock and betrayal settle on Carols face. Why's everyone doing this? Why side with me? I'm nobody. I don't help around camp as much as Carol does. They need her more than me.

"Stop. Nobody's going anywhere." Hershel's stern voice cuts everyone's angry voices off. Hershel has authority, almost as much as Rick. So whenRick nods at him thankfully and sighs in annoyance. For once, I'm glad that Rick is ready for a group discussion.

"We'll stay here by that ruin over there tonight. Tomorrow morning, Maggie and Glenn will go take Diana's car and siphon some fuel. Our car is running on fumes. It's getting late anyways." So this is why he stopped us in the first place. It does make sense.

My Impala? No! Why? Ugh. That's... Reasonable. Fuck Rick for being reasonable. Everyone nods and Carol gives me one last glare before she stomps off to find some dry wood we can use to build a fire.

The time on my watch reads 9:30pm.

I walk quietly towards my baby and spot Glenn looking though the front window. What's he doing? Is he looking for something? Because he could have just asked me.

"Hey Glenn, tomorrow when you're driving, be careful. I see a scratch on this baby, you're dead." he rolls his blue eyes, stepping away from the car. I pass him the keys. He better take good care of this quality piece of car. Because if he doesn't...

I step around him and reach under the front seats, pulling out three fluffy blankets I found in this Impala. I love it. Two are tartan and one's black. This car really is like a gift from the gods.

We all slowly walk towards the firewood that's been gathered in the centre of the stones. T-Dog uses a match to light the dry wood. It takes him a few tries but he finally gets it. Matches. Another precious thing in this fucked up world.

You know, maybe this is some form of punishment to the mankind for being the way we are. Greedy, narcissistic and lustful. Maybe it's god? Or the devil? I don't know. I'm not a Christian. Either way, it's not fair.

I hand Lori and Carl one of the tartan blankets, receiving a kind smile from both of them. Next I pass one to Beth and Hershel, who are both shivering madly. They'll get hypothermia. Maggie and Glenn both have thick jackets on, and they don't look cold at all. Well, the blanket is mine.

At last I sit down in front of the warm fire, wrapping the black blanket around myself. Daryl comes and sits down next to me, wearing his poncho. He wears that thing when he's somewhat cold, that much I've gathered.

I remember, back at the farm when Daryl tried to teach me how to ride a horse. Nelly was her name, I think. It wasn't terribly hard. He put the poncho on me along with a cowboy hat he found in the stables, saying I look like a badass cowgirl.

God, I miss those days. The days where the most you had to worry about was whether you're having squirrel of owl for dinner.

I shuffle closer the the cold man, pulling the blanket around Daryl as well and rest my head on his chest. Is this crossing some kind of boundary? I hope not. But body heat helps. He's always so warm and comfy. He's always so Daryl Dixon. He's my Daryl Dixon. And that hits me hard. He's... Mine.

He puts a protective arm around my shivering shoulders and lightly kisses the top of my muddy head gently.

I think I've fallen for Daryl Dixon.

Hope you like this chapter! I know that almost every fanfiction makes Carol be the bad one, but I generaly don't like her as a character. I'm sorry...?
Anyway, hope you're enjoying the story so far!

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