Chapter 35- Screams and Negotiations

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"They're here!" I hear Carol shout from across the field as she runs to open the steel gate for the blood-covered six. They're alive. All of them. And hopefuly none of them have scratches or are bit. Or have any form of serious injury.

I push myself off the top of the over turned bus and stand up, jumping down without any though. I simply ignore the fact that the height of the bus is two or three metres.

I somehow manage to land on my side as sharp pain courses through my right hip. I cry out a little and clench my teeth in pain. Shit, just great. But the impact couldn't possibly break or fracture any bones, so that's not so bad. There's no reason to go cry to Hershel about it. Maybe I'll just get some painkillers. But it'll bruise, no doubt.

I push myself off the damp ground and start sprinting across the overgrown field. I ignore the fact that I hate running and push Carol away from the now open gate. Time for admiring my fresh bruises will come later.

Daryl opens his arms and I run right into them, wrapping my arms around his torso, knocking him back a few steps. Even if it's only been two hours, I simply don't give a fuck. He could have died. And yes, I was checking my watch every minute or so.

"You okay? No bites? Scratches? Broken bones? Bleeding-" I ask hurriedly as I pull away to examine him. I grab his cheeks between my hands and start turning his head side to side, examining it. I then move to look at his sweat-covered arms. He cuts me off with a slight chuckle. Oh, so he's good. And feeling like joking around.

"Dixon stop shitting around." I glare at him, but the glare quickly turns into a greatful smile. He's alive and okay. I can't express how happy I am for this fact. These days you don't really know if and when someone's going to die.

"Nah girl, we're all okay. And I see Carol's too. Sort of" he mumbles, putting an arm around my shoulders and points to a not so happy looking Carol. She pushes herself off the ground and brushes her hands onto her bloodstained trousers, sending me a death glare in the process. Probably the deadliest one yet.

Shit, I didn't even relise she fell. Well, that's our 'peace treaty' definitely over, I guess. We didn't even properly have one. Like, our differences only faded through winter and we just ignored one another.

"The courtyard is clear and so is Cell Block C. We'll be staying there so grab all of your stuff and thangs" Rick announces, a small grin crawling into his lips. We've got a place to stay. A safe place by the sound of it. I've never been to a prison before, so I can only imagine what it's like inside.

I've seen the TV show 'Prison Break' but I don't think this is what the prison will look like. This prison is a lot smaller than the one on the TV show. I wonder what kind of cells there are. Small, cold ones most likely. And dull.

"Diana!" Gabriel calls, holding out mines and Daryl's backpacks with a bright smile on his face. It's obvious he's thrilled as well. I mean, who wouldn't be? A safe place to stay. I'm just repeating myself now...

Daryl lets go of me and grabs his backpack, walking over to Rick. Probably going to discuss who's going to be on night watch. We do need people on watch. There could be some minor disaster that could happen. A horde could come. A hole in the fence might be made. I sling my black backpack onto my back and follow Glenn to what I assume is the cell block.

We walk through the gate and around the 'dead' walkers, then through a red metal door. The stench of the dead doesn't really affect anyone anymore. Sort of forced to get used to it.

The room we walk into is large and colourless, with four tables set up along with chairs which I assume is where the prisoners had to eat their yucky food. There's a cage like thing in the corner.

Glenn pushes the grey bar doors open and I walk in, looking around the full block. All the cells are all to my left, some on top and some on bottom. There are about fourteen cells, with eight down at ground floor and the rest up. So nothing like Prison Break.

"Wow. We have to decorate and clean this... But I can see us living in here. Is it secure?" I ask in bewilderment, turning around to face an anxious Glenn. What's bugging him? Is everything okay with him and Maggie? I wonder. He hasn't spoken to me about much lately.

"Yeah, it's secure..." He murmurs, looking down at the grey, cold looking cement floor. Maybe some carpets? Nah. Ridiculous. But there's nothing wrong with wanting to make a prison homey. 

"What's up? Don't say nothing. There obviously something, Glenn." I gently ask, cupping his cheek as a sympathetic smile appears on my lips. Maybe there's something wrong between him and Maggie. And I know I get overly annoying when it comes to caring about others, but I don't mean to be.

"I've got night watch along with you, so I'll tell you then. Rick wants us two on watch because we're good working together apparently" he smiles softly and walks towards a cell which I assume him and Maggie have claimed. Weird. You could say he's sad. I've never seen him like this though. In the past year, he's been the most energetic out of all of us. And now this?

A pair of rough hands wrap around my waist from behind and I gasp in surprise, cocking my head up to meet a playful Dixon grin. Not often I see him like this. "What cell we in?" I ask, catching onto his playful mood. As tired as all of us may be, this is brilliant. A safe place where we can all settle down. At least for a while.

Others start to pile into the block and Daryl scoffs mockingly. "I ain't sleepin' in no cage. We'll take the perch" he says the last part louder so Rick can hear. He gives us a quick nod and keeps walking.  "Take this up. I'll be right over" I hand Daryl my backpack and twist out of his grip, giving him a playful smirk.

Every little touch still sends electricity through my system and makes me blush. It's always a little shock for me, because none of my previous relationships have been like this.

Rick stands aside from everyone else, watching them settle down with a slight smile on his lips. "Rick, we need to talk. I hate to burst your happy bubble... Why didn't you let me go with you guys today? You know I'm a skilled fighter just like T-Dog or Glenn." I try to stay calm, standing next to him and watch Daryl drag two matraces out of a cell near the perch. It brings me pure joy just looking at him.

Rick sighs in exasperation and looks at me, making me look back into his blue orbs too. "I don't want you to get hurt" he simply says, putting a protective arm around my shoulders. That's... Bullshit. Why would he be worried? He knows my skills are pretty damn awesome when it comes to slaying the undead.

"But you always let me come with you guys. Hell, you even let me lead this group at times! It's obvious you trust me, so why didn't you just-" I get cut off by his stern scowl and statement.

"You're more of a mother to Carl than Lori is. He loves you like a mother. You're like a sister to me. And loosing you would break both of us." It takes me a moment to process that, but when do, I give him a sad smile and lean my head onto his firm shoulder. That was the sweetest thing he's ever said. But it is sort of sad how Carl views me as a mother figure instead of Lori.

But me going on runs will happen. Maybe I should check up with Carl, now that he mentions him. See how he's doing and how he's settled in. I haven't spoken much to the boy lately.

Just as I'm about to set off towards Carl's cell, a bloodcurdling scream echoes through the block. Shit.

Next chapter after a week of delaying! Sorry for the last chapter, a bit depressing but this all leads into something big, so keep reading please! Thank you for 3.4k views! It's amazing that you all still read this crap!
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