Chapter 18- Daisy Chains and Beer

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I slowly turn the small key in the ignition and the car stops it's peaceful purring. The highway looks deserted. Well, appart from the various empty cars scattered everywhere. To be honest, it's the exact same as it was the day we left this graveyard. And here I was, thinking that we would never have to come back here.

We step out of my Impala quietly, leaving the door open incase the need of quick escape. Beth, Lori, Theodore and I stand in silence, listening for any signs of life. Apart from the odd creak of the cars around us and the wind, there isn't anything. But oh boy, am I wrong.

Never in my life would have I thought that'd if be so thankful to hear the sound of two cars and a motorcycle. They're nearing us. And maybe it's not even our group. But I banish that thought out of my head. I watch as the two cars come to a stop a few feet away from us, along with the motorbike. They're here. And they're alive.

Lori violently pushes past T-Dog and runs towards her son and husband with arms outstretched, crying tears of happiness. The Greene's envelope eachother in a tight hug as calming yet urgent words are exchanged. This makes me smile a little. But my hazel eyes are glued on a man. A crossbow-wielding badass named Daryl Dixon. He's alive.

I break into a dead sprint, dodging the hugging humans and collide with him, both of us falling to our knees which is quite painful. But who gives a flying fuck. This is like fucking Christmas. This is the lottery prize. This is beautiful. I can't believe he's here. Actually here. Here and alive. He's okay as far as I can see.

I hastily pull his lips to mine and kiss him like our lives are at stake, which they technicaly are. We're in the middle of a highway, our guards down. Never a good sign. But I immediately forget that. His soft lips skim over mines one final time as we pull appart, standing up together and brushing gravel off our knees. He sends me a quick smile, which I wouldn't have see if I wasn't already looking up at him.

I can't believe we did this. We... We kissed in front of the group. We kissed. But I couldn't care less. After a month of no-contact-Daryl, this happens. I'm overwhelmed with happiness.

"Well, you owe me a beer" Glenn mutters matter of factly to Rick, making everyone but Carol chuckle. Her eyes are puffy and she has salty tears streaking her cheeks. Him and Rick probably had a bet or something. I wouldn't be entirely surprised.

I grab Daryl's rough hand and intertwine our fingers, looking around the group self consciously. What does he mean by owing Rick a beer? Could they have actually had a bet going on? Why is she crying? Where's everyone else?

T-Dog, Lori, Carl, Rick, Hershel, Maggie, Beth, Glenn, Carol, Daryl and I. These are all the people that I can see. The people that are here. Where are Dale, Sophia, Andrea and... Shane?

"Oh god Carol... What happened?" I whisper, looking up at Daryl who lowers his head, almost in shame. And it's then that I realise that Sophia isn't alive. "Walker got 'er." Daryl mumbles in sadness and rage against my head, his lips resting on my dirt covered hair.

I wasn't terribly close to Sophia, but she was part of this group. Almost like family. She didn't deserve this... Oh man. She was just a kid. She doesn't deserve this.

I remember that one time back at the farm when everyone decided to take a day off everything, so we were just being lazy and doing whatever we wanted to. Then Sophia came up to me, asking if I wanted to make some daisy chains with her, to which I of course replied 'yes'. So we spent over three hours making the longest chain we could.

I zoom out just as people start to announce deaths that occurred tonight with voices filled with emotion. Patricia, Jimmy, Dale, Shane, Sophia and Andrea. Some of these names surprise me and actually make me feel down. Dale. He can't be... Oh my god no. The old man was nice to me since the start. He didn't deserve it. But neither did the others.

"We need to save as much fuel as we can. So we'll only take two cars and Daryl's motorbike between the eleven of us." Rick says to the group, ruffling his sons dark brown hair. It'll be cramped. I'm not sure how this is going to work, but it must. That's when I remember the two canisters I managed to save from the farm. Well, I guess thinking quickly does have its perks.

"I, uh, have two canisters of water and fuel in my Impala. That could keep us going for a day or two." I murmur, loud enough for Rick and Daryl to hear. When we run out though... Let's just hope we won't be too far away from a town then.

Daryl gently squeezes my clammy hand before he walks to my car, getting the 10 litre canister of fuel out. Heavy shit that is. And even though it's pretty damn heavy, Daryl manages to make it look effortless. Just like he does with his crossbow. But the feeling doesn't go away. The butterflies and the tingles. It's weird. But a good kind of weird.

The next few minutes are spent discussing where to go and filling up the two vehicles Rick chose with fuel. Looks like we're going to stick with the Highway and follow it to see where it leads us. I just hope we don't get stuck again. That would be unfortunate.

I go and sit behind the wheel of my Chevy, casting a weak smile at Daryl and Carol, who are taking the motorcycle. A slight wave of jelousy washes over me as Carol wraps her arms around Daryl's torso for safety, but I ignore it the best I can. It's just to keep her safe. That's all.
Daryl isn't even mine. Or is he? The kiss proved that he feels the same way about me as I feel about him, right? God, this is so confusing.

I start the Impala and 'Cherry Pie' by Warrant softly plays through the beautiful car. The cassettes here are a mix of different types of music. It's quite good. This way I have a variety to choose from.

Beth, Maggie and Hershel sit quietly on the leather seats in the back, Glenn nervously tapping his foot on the floor of my baby next to me. We moved the water tank to the boot of my car so we have more space. This car is ready feeling cramped. I don't like it, but I can't exactly complain.

"What did you mean when you said that Rick ows you a beer?" I ask cautiously. I need to confirm my suspicions. Could they have really had a bet? That thought seems ridiculous, but nowadays you never know.

I start slowly driving behind a car which has Lori, Carl, Rick and T-Dog in it. But I bet they're not as crammed as we are.

"Me and Rick had a bet. If you and Daryl are together, I mean. He thought you guys were just friends. Although a better word would be 'acquaintance'." Glenn says casually, a grin plastered on his lips and pain in his eyes. What's up with him? I'll talk to him when we're alone. I can't stand the look in his eyes.

I chuckle at the ridiculous bet and within a matter of seconds, we all fall into silence, listening to the soft sounds of music. 

Here's the next update! A bit early but I was just really excited to post this! Thank you for all the support. I've sort of changed the way people die in this, so I'm sorry for any confusion. Has anyone else seen the mid-season finale? I legit cried! They shouldn't do that to people!
Anyway, thank you for reading!

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