Chapter 7: SHE

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"Eomma~~ Let's go and try the Ferris wheel... " I told her as I pulled her in even though she doesn't want to do it

The wheel started to turn and I waited for the moment until it reaches its peak

"Eomma... soon... I will let you experience a grand life and also... you can see me everywhere you go, maybe someday in a billboard, commercials, and many more... I will do everything to make our life be good" I told her and she was starting to tear up but I hug her tightly

"Let's go home and pack everything you need my precious daughter," she said as she brushed my hair


"Eomma!!! You packed the whole house in my luggage" I commented as I opened every bag for some unimportant things

"Everything I put in your bag is important... now don't you dare unpack everything again" She said and stopped me from getting rid of some items that are not necessary

"Eomma... I just need my clothes, underwear, and some of my notebooks and books" I told her

"Can you just please get this one important thing~ Pleaseeee~" She pouted and I look at her

"Okay... okayyy... anything for my Mom~" I told her "What is it?"

Then she revealed a whole box of condoms from my bag "There are boys in the company you will be joining so I thought---"

"Mom~~~ You're so embarrassing!!! How could you think of something dirty of me having.... arghhhh!! having s*x with boys there" I again turned into a tomato but who cares... I am a bit flustered

"Yah!!! then just get a piece of it or maybe 5 pieces... I care for your ehemmm... You must always be secure in anything that might happen in the future" She said and she looks at me

"Mommmmm... Do I really need this?? and I will soon become an idol.... and there is no time for me to date someone" I told her

"How do you know?? You can't see the future... maybe someday you'll hook up with your ex-boyfriend or someone in the company" she crossed her arms

I sighed deeply "I will just take one.. and this is just for you not to worry about me" I told her

She hugged me "Time to sleep," she said

She walked out of my room and I thought I might miss her again like when I was in Paris so I wore my pajamas and took my pillow, walking straight to her room

"Mom~~ Am I invited?" I smiled "I will miss youuuu"

"Sure" she replied and tapped the space beside her

"Eomma..... Saranghaae~~" I told her. She kissed my forehead and brushed my hair until I fell asleep


"Jayviee~ Wakeup and get change.... the car will soon be here at any moment now" My mom told me

I quickly washed up and finished my breakfast. At the right moment, we heard a car honking outside our house.

"I guess it is time for you to go," She said and grabbed my luggage and we both approach the car.

If she cries-I will stay, If she smiles at me-I will continue to reach my dream, if at the same time she cries and smiles-I got her blessing.

I made my own choices and as I entered the van she cried but managed to put on a smile as she waved her hands, saying goodbye to her only child. I was about to tear up but I hold it in


"We are here," a man said

"Can I ask who are you? Don't misunderstand but I just want to know who are the people beside me" I told him

"Ohh~ hi! I am your manager, Han Jun" he said

"I am sorry... Sir" I told him

"Let me escort you to your room" he said but we suddenly stop because he received a call

"I guess let's wait for another member" he said

I thought I was the only person who got a special offer but I am so happy that there's another member

"Can I ask who she is??" I asked him and a car came

"There she is!!!" The manager said "Welcome... Kim Jaemin this is Lee Jayviee" our manager introduced us

"Jaemin?" I uttered

"Ohh~ hi? I am Jaemin" she smiled "I am so glad I met you" she has a sweet voice

Our manager lead the way to our room and it is so wide that we can host a party in here

"Let's welcome our new members... " A girl said and all of them smiled and bowed

"Hi I am Mina"

"Hi I am your unnie... Bom"

"I am Ara"


"and I am Yun Hee" the last one said

every person in this room is beautifulllll... What do I do? I think I like them all now

"Hi it is a pleasure to meet you all.. My name is JV" I told them

"I like her... her name is so unique" The cute one said

"and I am Jaemin" she said

"I hope we get along well" both of us said

Our manager left us with them and all of them welcomed us with open arms and showed us our room

basically... Jaemin and I are roommates

"Unpack all your things first and come out as soon as both of you are done and let's have a girl's night out" the oldest Bom said

"The manager said we must not go out" I told her but she smiled and replied "Then we must never ever tell them anything" she winked


"I heard you were the top-performing applicant in the contest" she started to have a conversation with me

"Ohh~ I didn't know" I just replied

"You were named as "The triple-A" because you conquered every competition" she said

"Well... I just did my best for my Mom" I replied "Can I ask why you joined this kind of competition?"

"Hmm.. there's someone who I want to see every day and he can only be seen in this company" She smiled at me from ear to ear "You joined the company to make your mother be proud of you don't you?" she asked

I just nod

I also joined this contest because there's a person I want to see every day


AN: Hi everyone... Sorry for the late update... I guess I will be updating rarely because my phone is not working so I need to do some parttime jobs to buy a new one....

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