Chapter 44: FIRST LOVE

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"Ah?? How many girlfriends did you have before or after our breakup when I went to Paris?" I asked him while I was sulking

"I have 1 before you and 1 after we broke up, and you went to Paris," He said, smiling from ear to ear.

What's so happy about that? You just revealed it in front of your girlfriend.

I was about to stand up and leave him alone, but he just grabbed me. He embraced me tighter. The harder I fought to remove his hand from me, the tighter he hugged me, so I just gave up.

"Yah! I didn't know my girlfriend has a grade of A+ in jealousy," He commented, and I just smacked his chest.

Argh! Is he working out? I can feel those stiff muscles of his.

"How come you comfortably blunt that topic without even warning me," I told him and hid my face in his chest again.

He just covered my face with the use of his jacket.

"hmmm... How should I say this? My first love was someone who always took care of me," he started.

"As if I did not do that," I murmured, and he just tapped my head

I look at him with sadness in my eyes.

"My mother," he said as he smiled from ear to ear.

I again hid my face in his jacket because I was embarrassed.

"How about the girl after I left?" I again murmured.

"She was my sister," he said, laughing at me, and I dared not to let him see my face.

"Yah! Yeobo! Are you giving me a cold treatment?" He asked me as he continued to poke me.

"Nooo~ I feel embarrassed," I told him as I covered my face with my hands.

"Why are you embarrassed? You know that I am a loyal person, right?" He asked, and I just nodded at him.

After a while, my stomach suddenly grumbles out of hunger.

"Ohh! Our baby's hungry? What are you craving for today?" Sunghoon asked, and I felt like my whole face turned red just now.

"What do you mean?! Don't ever say that in public, Sunghoon-ah," I told him, and I quickly covered my stomach.

"Why are you so cheesy these days?" I asked him, and he just laughed

"Beats me! I get cheesy when you are by my side," He said with his sweet smile

"Should we eat in public?" He asked me

"I hope they wouldn't invade our privacy, though. Should we just look for a restaurant where businessmen used to go? You know the one with sliding doors around it?" I described him, and he wanted to agree.

"But we can go out in public now. We recently announced our relationship," Sunghoon said

"Yeah! But what if your fans hate me, and we will receive a lot of hate from the public" I told him, and he just held my hand tightly.

"Yah! I can protect you," He said confidently as he raised his arms.

"Don't be so confident," I told him as I smacked him in the chest, but to my surprise, it was hard.

"I've been working out lately," He said as he flexed his muscles, making me laugh.

"Should we just go out in the open? I will take off my wig and the hat?" I asked him, and he just smiled at me.

"Let's goooo!!" he said excitedly as he pulled me.

We gave him back the skates, and I removed the wig. As soon as we were heading out, a lot of people were waiting in a line outside.

I stopped for a moment and pulled him, but he gave me the feeling of assurance. He looked me straight in the eyes and held both of my hands.

"It's okay, JV~ Nothing bad will happen," He told me and smiled, then he sealed it with a kiss on my forehead.

I trusted him and slowly followed him from behind. The people in line noticed us quickly and immediately took videos and photos. We just casually passed them, and they can't get close to us because of the fences, and they might also lose the very fixed line.

I saw a young kid who reminded me of myself. She was hesitating at first, and she was looking in our direction. I then looked at my surroundings and saw a beanie on the floor.

"Sunghoon-ah~," I said as I pulled him to me for him to stop walking.

"Why?" He asked

"I will just bring this beanie back to the little kid over there," I said as I went to pick it up as he followed me from behind.

I cleaned up the dirt and handed it to her.

"Is this yours?" I asked her, and she just nodded at me.

I smiled and was about to leave, but she called me.

"JV unniee~~ Can we take a picture together? I really want to have a picture of us together," She said shyly as she bowed.

"Oh? You know me?" I asked her, and she nodded.

"Yes, unni! I watched you dance and sing, and I also watched you together with that guy," She said as she pointed at Sunghoon.

"Well, hmm... What's your name?" I asked her.

"I am So-Young," She said, smiling from ear to ear.

"Your name is so pretty. So-Young-ahh... What do you think about that guy? Are we fit for each other?" I asked her, and she took a peek while Sunghoon waved his hands.

"I think Sunoo-Oppa fits you more." She said and hid behind me because Sunghoon's face turned complicated as soon as she said that.

I looked at him, and his presence was a bit gloomy.

"Aww~~ What do we do now, So-Young-ah~ Apparently, he is my husband," I told her, and I raised our engagement ring from the show.

"What! It's so pretty unni," She said as she held my hand delicately.

"Where's your phone? Let's take a picture," I told her as she quickly went through her bag and gave it to me.

"Sunghoon-ssi! Please take a picture of us," I told him and gave him the phone.

He took many pictures, and an adult immediately approached us after the picture taking.

"So-Young ahh~~" She called.

"Eomma!!!!" She cheered, and she gave her mom a hug.

"Eomma! I finally have a picture of JV uni!" She cheered, and her mother just gave me a smile.

"Unni! I have another request... I want to take a picture with you and your husband," She said as she pouted.

"Do you like him now?" I said as I called Sunghoon and held to his arm as soon as he came to me.

"I still like Sunoo better than him, though," She said, and Sunghoon was just faking his smile.

Her mother took the picture and feels like she has become our daughter.

"Stay healthy, So-Young-ah!" I told her as I pinched her cheeks.

The others also wanted to have a picture with us, and luckily, they respected our personal space. Sunghoon has many more fans, so So-Young and I spend more time looking at him having an unscheduled fan meeting.

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