Chapter 54: Date

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Sunghoon and I reserved a day for each other. We need not to go out covering our faces or change our appearances. 

"Let me see you without your wig" he said as soon as we meet each other which made me shy for a moment.

I pulled him in a space where no one will see us. 

"Don't laugh at me" I told him while giving him a suspicious look.

"I won't laugh" he replied and stood there looking at me with a serious look.

"Okay then" I said while I removed my wig and look down, I don't want to see his reaction or rather I am curious whether he is disappointed in looking at me like this.

I suddenly felt his hand on my bald head and I looked at him with a curious reaction.

"You're not disappointed?" I asked

"Why would I? I didn't like you based on your looks but purely because I love you as you" he replied while smiling at me from ear to ear.

"But it seems more like you're serving the military earlier than I am" he said while he burst out laughing.

"You promised me that you won't laugh" I told him with a grumpy face and turned around. I felt his hands wrapped around my waist then he suddenly kissed my head.

"You know it makes my heart break when you have an expression like that" he told me and I turned around.

"Just promise me this and make sure not to break it" I said while placing my hands on his shoulders.

"What is it?" Sunghoon asked.

"Promise me that you will be happy at all times even when I am not around" I said forcing out a smile on my face.

"You speak as if you will be leaving me" he said dropping his head.

"I might be leaving you now if you do things like that" while I hold his chin up and put our foreheads together.

"Sunghoon, I love you" I whispered and his face was flustered again.

"It's sad not being able to receive a response, I guess I love you more than you love me" I said pouting and was about to remove my hands but he immediately hold my hand and caress his cheeks.

He took my hand and kissed my palm which he pulled a reverse card on me, making me the one who is flustered. My heart's beating so fast, my cheeks and my ears are turning red.

"So sly" I said glaring at him

"Should we make a bet?" he suggested which made me think deeply at what he is plotting now.

"What is at stake? You should tell me first so that I will know if I will consider playing the game" I said while I hold my chin as I am looking at him suspiciously.

He was awkwardly laughing but then his face turned serious "We won't be loosing anything... whoever wins the bet grants each other's wishes" he said with a smile.

I think it is good since I will just be wishing him to be happy and to date other people once I am gone. Does that makes me a ruthless partner as I am not considering his feelings? But this is for his own good.

"Then I will be betting that I love you more than you love me... How would we know about that then?" I asked him while I never looked away.

"That's a good question" he said while he put his hand on his chin too.

"Then I guess it will be a long bet" he said and we just laugh together.

"We should take a picture without your wig. A picture that's famous to those hyungs who went for the military training" he said while laughing.

"Then I am at a disadvantage here. You will be the only person who will look good in camera" I replied pouting acting cute to him.

"Eyy... Like I said, you are the most beautiful person in my eyes" he said.

"I can't refute that. Since you said it in a very convincing manner" I said being shameless and I was even nodding at him.

He then took a lot of photos then he fixed the wig himself and hold my hand tightly but gently like I was going to run away from him.

"Care to tell me where are we heading?" I asked him.

"I am going to show my beautiful girl to the world" he said while I looked at him with a confused face.

"But the world already knows that I AM YOUR BEAUTIFUL GIRL/ WOMAN " I said and that made him stop and was thinking deeply.

"You're right! Then I am going to show off that I AM YOUR HANDSOME MAN that no one will ever come near me or you" he said while nodding at his own comments.

"You're so confident that it makes me barf" I said and hold my mouth acting like I am going to puke.

"You're so harsh but am I not the most handsome man in your eyes?" he asked with those puppy eyes of his.

"Hmmmm... That's a very hard question" I said while I was acting like I was thinking deeply.

I let go of his hand and hop while I was walking away from him. It is a great day to tease him, I was giggling but then I felt his hand wrapped around my waist.

"W---wait... Sunghoon?" I called because it was an unexpected move.

Since when did he become so clingy?

"I guess I am hungry... Let's go and eat first" he said while I feel his breath brushing my neck.

Wait... I feel nostalgic about this

"Hmm... Now that you said it... let's go" I agreed and I don't actually know where are we heading. I let him lead the way.

"Uhhmm... I am sure that this is not the way to a near restaurant Sunghoon-ah" I said while I was looking around.

"Who said we're going in a public space?" he said with a grin.

Then where exactly is he planning on dinning in?

I don't know where but we continued walking for some time as a lot of people were looking at us. They were all murmuring but who cares right? Some of them flooded us but Sunghoon said that they should be understanding our situation because both of us have a busy schedule and that he must ONLY be spending his time with ME today.

He might receive a backlash today and we might be another reason why the sales go down again.


AN: Hi everyone! How is it so far? Is the story starting to bore you or anything?

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