Chapter 28

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He set up our picnic area below a tree.

"When did you prepare?" I asked him

"I woke up early in the morning cooked some food and packed them up" he replied as he tap at the blank space beside him

I walk closer to him and sat beside him, he quickly took a blanket and covered my knees "Thank you" I told him

"I bet you're tired from dancing... You can lean on my shoulder if you want" he said

Later on after eating, I felt drowsy and don't know what happened after that.

I woke up and it felt so warm, I slowly opened my eyes and saw Sunghoon who was sitting down looking far ahead. I slowly sat down but as soon as he noticed me he supported me to sit down.

"Was I asleep??" I asked him again while I was collecting my consciousness and he nod

"How many minutes?" I asked him

"You slept like a baby... About 1 hour and 30 minutes?" he said while he was looking at his watch

"really?" I said as I squinted my eyes

"Yes" he said "Are you cold?? Should we go back home?" he asked

"not really... You gave me shour sweater, and a blanket. Why should I be cold?" I asked him and smiled

"I brought some fountains (a type of firecracker), sparklers and some Roman candles" he said as he started to place the Roman candles on the ground

"I think you brought so many of those" I told him as I embraced my legs. He was actually creating a heart shape of it

"Should I light it up?" he asked and I just nod at him

"I'll help you" I told him and he gave entangled both ends of the Roman candles and lit it up so that all of them will start in the same time.

He then gave me two sparklers and two for him "just incase you want some more.. I have 6 pieces extra here" he said as he smiled

"Director... Can you take photos of us please?" I told him and he approved "You can post it on media if you want"

"Just press the capture button of the DSLR camera... Don't stop" Sunghoon demanded

We got lost for a moment and enjoyed our time together.

"Should we go home now?" I asked him

"Is it getting colder?" he asked and I nod at him

"I should help you with that" I told him and fixed our mat

He insisted on carrying it but at the same time it started to rain

"we don't have an umbrella" he said "what should we do?" he asked me

I then started to remove my sandals and said "let's run" I smiled as I grab one of his hand

The production crew was a bit slow but one was fast enough to film us.

"Your feet might get hurt" Sunghoon said

"It is okay... I feel comfortable without my scandals and I run even faster without it" I told him

We got home in no time and we were just laughing. He then bent down to look at my feet

"I will just wash up" I told him and ran to the bathroom after how many minutes I got out of the room and told him to go wash up

He obeyed and I waited for him at the sofa. After he got of the room while rubbing his hair

"Come here" I told him as I tap the floor in front of me. He was a bit confused at first "Just sit here"

He obeyed and sat down. I took his towel and I was the one who dry his hair up.

"Yah I can do--" I stopped him from talking further

"Let me do it... I just want to do it" I told him and continued rubbing his hair. I also used a hair blower to it

"Then let me see your feet" he said

I was not willing to do it but he grab my left foot

"What will you do with it?" I asked him

"apply an ointment.." he told me "Look at your foot, it has tooo many scratches... I told you that it was not safe removing your heels" he said as he bring an ointment out of his pocket

I was again reminded of what he always do when I got some scratches or injuries on my foot. He always have been a caring person to me all these years

"You're like Doraemon" I told him


"You got everything in your pocket" I told him and giggled "Be careful... It stings" I was about to take away my foot but he was grabbing it and blowed the part where he applied an ointment

"The other one" he said and I followed his order

I massaged his head as I was still drying it up

He successfully applied the ointment in my feet "Your turn" he said and pulled me down "I will dry your hair"

"I can just tie it up with the towel" I look at him

"I want to do it though" he said and I allowed him

He was practically massaging my head. "You're not that bad" I told him and just enjoyed how he do it.

"Since you have a long hair... I'll use a hair blower" he said and I noded

After how many minutes

"it's done... Let go and make dinner together?" he invited me

"Sure... But I am not that good at cooking" I told him in advance

"It is okay.. I'll teach you" he smiled

We went to the kitchen and one of the production team member set up the cameras before we got home

"I am craving for beef stew" I told him as I pouted

"Then... Hmmm.. How about Galbi Jjim?" he said as he look into my eyes as if he was reading my mind

"I'm in" I told him

He bring all the ingredients out.

"I'll peel them" I notified him

"Then I will just cut the beef into pieces" he said

After peeling one of the ingredients he showed me how to cut them. The potato was a bit unstable and as soon as I cut it up, my pinky was also cut.

"argh!" I exclaimed

"yahh... Are you okay?" he look at me and saw my fingers were cut "I told you to be careful" he quickly wash my hand in the faucet

After about 3 minutes he put a band aid on it

"I'll cook... You can just look at whatever you want to do" he said

"I want to help you though" I told him

"Don't mind me... If you get your fingers cut Everytime you cut vegetables then I felt as if it's my fault" he said

"Then is it okay if I will just stay here and watch you cook??" I look at him and he just smiled from ear to ear

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