How He Was During Pregnancy

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Freddie was a nervous wreck when you were pregnant. He never wanted to leave your side and was always there with you in case you needed anything. He was always there, asking if you needed tea or even just a cuddle. Even though he did seem like too much at times, he cared deeply for you.


Brian was always there to soothe you during the pregnancy. Even though he was terrified himself, he wanted to stay strong for you in order not to have his anxiety transfer over to you. He was always there when you needed him but also gave you space when you asked. He was the definition of perfect.


Roger was always there to keep an eye on you, especially towards the end of your pregnancy. He was always there with you, almost scared to leave your side as if you were going to give birth at any minute, even if you were only in your 2nd trimester. But you really did love the fact that he cared so much.


John was incredibly sweet and loving when you were pregnant. He was overjoyed to become a father and he would usually hum quiet songs to your unborn baby and talk to it. He also took care of you whenever you asked and was always there by your side which you appreciated more than anything.

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