Getting Protective Over You

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When he sees someone else flirting with you is when he gets protective. He makes sure that you're with him at all times, away from whoever is flirting with you. You try to reassure him that everything is fine, but he doesn't want to take any chances.


Brian doesn't get protective often since he knows that you can fend for yourself, but there are times when he's seen a few drunk men at the bar getting too touchy with you for his liking. He immediately pulls you out of the bar and walks you back home with no explanation. His priorities are just to keep you safe.


Roger is always protective of you. He makes sure that you're always safe and feeling comfortable. But he gets a bit overprotective at times to the point where he would yell out the guy  or even get into a physical fight with him. 


Like Brian, John isn't too protective for he believes that you are strong enough on your own. But whenever he sees someone getting too close to you where he can see that your visibly uncomfortable, he immediately jumps in and yells at the guy. It surprises the both of you, but John always wants to make sure that you feel safe.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12, 2022 ⏰

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