Moving In

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You and Freddie moved in pretty early in your relationship for he never really liked living alone. And you weren't against the idea at all, you were ecstatic. Freddie was also very excited when you agreed to move in with him. It didn't take you too terribly long to find a house since Freddie fell in love with the first one he laid eyes on. The day you guys moved in together, you were singing along loudly to the radio while unpacking, the smile never leaving your faces.


You and Brian only moved in together once your relationship was getting serious and when he was planning on proposing. It took a while for the both of you to find a house, since he wanted to find the perfect home where the two of you could raise your kids and grow old together. When the two of you moved in together, you took it slow when it came to unpacking, wanting it to be absolutely perfect and to your liking.


It was a good couple of years into your relationship before you decided to move in with Roger. You wanted to make things permanent with him and you wanted to find that forever home. And Roger wasn't against the idea, he was thrilled to get to wake up to you every single day. When the two of you moved in to a small little house, he didn't want to have any time to waste. He was eager to unpack which was amusing to you, seeing him so excited like a child.


It was a year into your relationship when John offered you to move in with him. You had mentioned moving in with him before, but it never really led to anything. You were thrilled when he brought up the idea to you. You packed your stuff up from your own house, bringing it all the way to Johns small house. The both of you were extremely excited to be moving in together, excited to make that big step in your relationship.

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