Christmas Presents

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You gave Freddie a record of one of his favorite records. He absolutely loved it and played it over and over again when you gave it to him.

Freddie gave you a promise one which you adored, it was beautiful. He made sure that you would wear it forever and you were never going to take it off.


You gave Brian some customized guitar picks which had your initials on it. And ever since you gave it to him, he promised to use it all the time, that it was his new lucky pick.

Brian gave you a scrapbook full of memories of the two of you. You loved it more than anything. The both of you spent the night looking through the book, reminiscing about all the memories in there.


You gave Roger a new pair of drumsticks, knowing that he desperately needed a new pair since he tended to break his a lot. He kept thanking you over and over again and kissed your face all over.

Roger gave you a pair of lingerie as a half-joke before he gave you a framed portrait of you two from the night you first met. You thought it was so sweet of him and you couldn't help but tear up.


You gave John a bunch of pictures of him and his kids, knowing that he loved them so much. It was his favorite gift and he almost teared up looking at the photo's.

John gave you a simple necklace since he thought you would look gorgeous in it. You thought it was absolutely gorgeous and you started to wear it all the time. 

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