First "I Love You"

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It had only been a few months into your relationship when Freddie told you he loved you. He was never one to open up to many people and for him to feel this close to you, he knew it had to be love. He hadn't even thought about how in love with you he really was until the night you were cuddled up in his bed.

You weren't having the best of days and you needed Freddie to keep you company. You only showed up in pajamas without any makeup. But of course, Freddie didn't mind one bit. After your stressful day at work, Freddie was all you needed.

He brought you into his bedroom where you cuddled up next to each other. He whispered sweet nothings into your ear and ran his fingers through your hair in hopes that it would help you relax. Thankfully, it did. 

You stayed in his arms for a little longer, neither of you wanting to move. Freddie kept his eyes on you, seeing just how beautiful you looked to him "I love you" he whispered softly, the words just coming out of his mouth.

You looked over at Freddie, a bit surprised as you smiled widely "I love you too" he didn't hesitate to say it back before kissing him softly. He definitely knew how to make you feel better.


You told Brian you loved him on your first year anniversary. He had spent the whole day stressing out, wanting to make sure everything was perfect for that night. He had cooked a special dinner for the both of you with a few candles lit. 

You were working a bit late that day which thankfully gave Brian more time to get everything prepared. After an hour on preparing your little date, he was finally satisfied with the final result. 

It wasn't long until you entered the door, Brians attention immediately going over to you as he smiled widely at your reaction. You were definitely surprised, you didn't expect him to go through this much trouble for you anniversary.

"Oh my god, Brian" You smiled as you hung up your coat before walking over to him. You wrapped your arms around him, pulling him into a tight hug.

"You like it?" He chuckled quietly, wrapping his arms around your waist.

"Very much" You smiled before pecking his lips. You stayed quiet for a short moment, looking into his eyes "I love you so much Bri" You said in a whisper.

"I love you too" he said softly, pulling you in for another kiss.


It took Roger quite a while to admit that he loved you. He knew that he's had these feelings for a long time, but he just didn't know the right time when to come out with it. In fact, he didn't even have time to think of when he was going to say those three words to you, they just slipped out. 

He had just dropped you off back at your place after one of your many dates. That night, he had taken you out to go see a local band play. You both had a great time the night away. And you were with Roger, you always had a great time whenever you were with him.

Before he let you go off inside, he pulled you in a bit closer to him to steal a kiss before you could go. You laughed a bit against his lips, placing a hand upon his cheek as you kissed him back. He deepened the kiss slightly, hoping that he wouldn't have to say goodbye just quite yet. 

You pulled away shortly after, resting your forehead against his. You stayed quiet, trying to enjoy the small moment while it lasted.

"I love you" Roger mumbled before putting his lips back on yours.

Your eyes widened and gently pulled back away, making sure you heard him correctly "You do?" You asked softly.

Roger had to think for a moment before his eyes widened as well, realizing what he had just said seconds before. He smiled a little before nodding "I do. I love you, Y/N"

"I love you too Rog"


John had first told you that he loved you when you came home for a job interview. It was one you have been extremely worried about, nervous that you wouldn't get the job. However when you came home, it was easy for John to tell that you were in a good mood.

He was in the middle of making himself some tea when you came in through the door. He greeted you right away with a small smile on his face "How did it go?" He asked as he poured himself a cup, getting one for you as well while you hung your coat up.

"It was great" You said with a smile and walked over to him, pecking his lips gently before wrapping your arms around his neck. 

John smiled widely, happy to see you so happy especially after seeing how nervous you were before you left the house "Well I'm glad it went better than you thought"

"It did" You sighed quietly in relief "And I'm almost positive I'm going to get a job, they loved me" You smiled.

"Well no one can love you more than me" John laughed and kissed your cheek. He wasn't really thinking when he said it, it just came out naturally for him. 

"I'm pretty sure I can" You laughed a little before kissing him "I love you so much" you whispered. 

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