Dating Them Would Include:

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-Moving in with him pretty early

-Holding hands constantly, he always wants to be touching you in some way

-Adopting multiple cats together, obviously

-He takes you on tour with him all the time, not wanting to leave your side

-Him singing you to sleep when you can't sleep at night


-Cuddling under the stars pretty much every night

-A lot of forehead kisses

-Him resting his chin on your head when holding you from behind

-Slow dances

-Him calling you doll


-Drum lessons that usually lead to make out sessions

-Him bragging about you to the rest of the boys

-Teasing each other

-Gentle neck kisses from time to time

-Making forts in the living room and cuddling


-Him writing a song for you on every album

-Constant "I love you"s

-Always having his arm wrapped around you in public

-Sweet cheek kisses

-Going dancing almost every weekend

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