Im In Love With A Stripper

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"Come on Kenny boy, let's hit the strip club tonight!" LA Reid, one of Kenny's business partners and best friends practically begged him.

"Naw man, I'm not really feeling it."

"Kenny, all you do is work and go home. You need to come have some fun. This joint has some of the finest bitches you have ever seen." LA explained, with a kool aid grin.

"Ya man, you need to let loose a bit. Everyone already thinks your uptight." Daryl Simmons, Kenny's writing partner and other best friend explained.

"I am not uptight, as a matter of fact...let's go. After I finish up in the studio we can go." Kenny said


Kenny, LA, and Daryl walked into the club and where greeted with drinks from half naked women.
LA and Daryl took one while Kenny declined.

"What did I tell you...Bitches Galore. They got thick bitches, skinny bitches, cute bitches and ugly bitches. Hell they even got old bitches in here if you in to that type of thing." LA exclaimed as he drooled over the strippers.

They dragged Kenny to the stage and sat down. Kenny felt completely out of place but he wanted to prove to them that he wasn't uptight.

He looked to his left as LA and Daryl threw money at the stage and shouted at the girls. He couldn't believe his friends were such pigs.

"Yea baby do it just like that. I might just have to take you home to mama if you keep it up!" LA shouted

Kenny rolled his eyes and went to get a drink.

"Scotch on the rocks....and keep em coming."
Kenny gave the bartender his card.
Toni sat in front of the mirror and stared at herself. She couldn't believe she was about to go out there and do this.

She knew she had no choice since her parents cut her off and she couldn't afford school on her own. She was scared out of her mind and had no clue what she was doing.

"Girl, you just gotta relax. I remember my first night. I was scared shitless but after an hour or two I was good. Just think about the music and do your thing." Trisha aka Candy was an older dancer at the club and the only friend Toni had made so far. She tried to get help from the other girls but they were just rude to her.

"Thanks Trisha. I'm just scared I'm gonna mess up. I'm not really that good if a dancer." Toni laughed trying to calm her self down.

"Girl your pretty with a banging body. I promise those guys are not gonna care if you miss a step or two. Shit you might not even have to get naked."

"What do I do if a guy wants a private dance?"

"Umm...give him one, duh." Trisha laughed "Babygirl you got so much to learn about this business." Trisha walked away to finish getting ready.

"Angel your up!" the stage manager called

Toni took a big gulp of her drink, fixed her self in the mirror and walked out onto the floor.

"Alright y'all, we got something new for you fellas tonight. Something nice, young and tender. We want y'all to give a warm welcome to our newest baby Angel!" The DJ screamed into the mic.

Toni walked seductively to the stage and grabbed the pole. Her song began to play as she began her dance. She put her back to the pole as she held onto it with both hands and began to swirl her hips downward.

She was nervous as hell but was trying not to show it. She just let the music take over her.

Whatever you want, Is alright with me
Cause you've got that whip appeal
So work it on me
It's better than love
Sweet as can be
You've go that whip appeal
So whip it on me

Toni twirled around the pole and rolled her hips to the music as she prayed she didn't bust her ass. As the song came to a close she slid down the pole onto her knees and crawled toward the edge.

She noticed three men in suits. Two of the men were practically drooling over her while the third just stared. She laid down with her eyes locked onto his as the music faded out.

The lights went out and Toni hurriedly got up and ran to the back. She couldn't believe she just did that!

"Toni you were amazing out there" Trisha said

"Thanks. I thought I was gonna pass out." Toni laughed

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