Dream Girl

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Kenny and Toni laid in bed staring into each other's eyes.

"You know you're beautiful right?" Kenny said

Toni kissed his lips and smiled scrunching her nose.

"Your so cute when you do that." Kenny laughed

Toni didn't say a word she just got up and walked toward the bathroom. She looked back at Kenny waiting.

Kenny got out of the bed and followed her to the bathroom. She turned on the shower and stepped in and Kenny followed behind her.

She turned her back to him and let the water fall over her body. She closed her eyes and threw her head back as she enjoyed the feeling of the hot water on her skin.

She turned around and started into Kenny's eyes. She wrapped her arms around his neck as he leaned down to kiss her.

Their tongues danced in each others mouths as they both moaned into the kiss. Kenny picked Toni up pinning her against the glass.

He slowly entered her, earning a soft moan from her. He began to move in and out at a slow and steady pace.

"Mmm" Toni moaned out

She gripped his shoulders and tossed her head back giving him access to her neck. Kenny kissed and sucked on her neck making sure to leave a mark.

"You feel so good baby, so good" Kenny said

The sounds of Toni's moans were music to his ears. He loved making love to her body. It was like nothing he ever had before. It felt ethereal, unreal almost.

He loved the faces she made when he made love to her. She was just so beautiful. She was almost unworldly.

Kenny felt her walls tighten around him and he knew she was close. He stroked a few more times before they both climaxed.

Toni laid her head on his shoulder as they both tried to steady their breathing. After a few minutes, he slipped out of her and put her on her feet.

They washed each other's bodies and got out of the shower. They dried off and threw on some comfy clothes. Kenny picked Toni up and carried her to the bedroom laying her down.

They were in the same position they started in, lost and staring into each other's eyes. Kenny kissed Toni's forehead, her cheek, her nose, and finally her lips.

"Goodnight beautiful."

Toni just smiled as she rubbed Kenny's cheek.

Kenny woke up to his alarm going off. He hit the button and looked at the clock. He looked at the empty spot on his bed and sighed.

"Another dream. Man she felt so real."

Kenny slowly got out of bed and headed toward the bathroom. He took a shower, did his hygiene and got dressed.

Kenny got in his car and headed to the studio. While he was driving, his mind wandered to the girl in his dreams.

Soon he found himself in his parking spot at the studio. He walked in and greeted the staff and headed to the back.

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