My Little Secret

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"OMG I'm so excited" Toni's best friend Kristi squealed as she modeled another wedding dress for all of their friends.

"Girl I think that's the one." Their other friend Jamie exclaimed

Toni nodded in agreement. "Yea K, it's perfect."

Kristi started to tear up as Toni walked up beside her. They grabbed hands as they looked in the mirror.

"Look at us Toni Tone. It feels like it was just yesterday when I forced you to be my friend in kindergarten." Toni chuckled through her tears

Kristi continued "Now look at us. We're grown up and walking into the next chapter of our lives together. I'm so glad we both have found amazing guys and get to go through this together. I love you T.

Toni wiped her tears as she smiled. "I love you too K."

The two friends hugged and Kristi went to the back to go change. Jamie noticed Toni had a weird look on her face.

"Whats wrong Toni?"

"Oh nothing. I'm good. Look, I have to go. Tell Kristi I had to go handle something."

"Umm ok." Jamie said with a puzzled look on her face

Toni got out of her car as she walked up to the front door. Before she could knock it swung open. There he was in all his chocolate glory, nothing but a towel around his waist.

"Hey beautiful, I been waiting for you." Toni blushed as he pulled her into the house. He gave her a deep passionate kiss while he grabbed her ass.

"Mm. I missed you. I feel like I haven't had you alone at all these past few weeks." He said

"Well, I've been busy helping K. You know how that can be."

"Well how about we make up for the lost time." He smirked while picking her up.

He carried her to the bedroom and showed her just how much he missed her. They made love for hours on end until they couldn't go anymore.

After, they laid in bed. He traced lines and circles on Toni's legs while she stared at the ceiling lost in her thoughts.

"What's going on in that pretty little head of yours?" He asked

"Ken we can't keep doing this. We can't keep hurting the people we love."

"But baby you're, the one I love." He said staring at her.

"What about Kristi. She doesn't deserve this."

Kenny just sighed as he looked down. "Yea I guess you're right. But that doesn't change the way I feel about you. I love her but baby I'm in love with you."

Toni didn't know what to say. She jumped hearing her phone ring and reached over to grab it. "It's Jason. I should go."

She climbed out of the bed and got dressed. She grabbed her purse and headed out.

When she got home her fiancé Jason greeted her at the door. "Hey baby, what took you so long?"

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