Hurt Me

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"Harder!" Toni yelled as Kenny pounded into her

"Oh fuck, baby just like that!" She said with a moan

"What's my name?!" Kenny groaned

Toni just let out a moan.

"I said what's my name?!" Kenny yelled again

Toni only responded with another moan

"So you wanna be a bad girl huh?!" Kenny slipped out of her. "Ass up!"

Toni bit her lip and quickly turned over.

"Hands!" Kenny demanded

Toni put her hands behind her back and Kenny took a T-shirt and tied them together to where she couldn't get loose.

Toni looked back at Kenny with innocent eyes.

"Oh no, don't give me the puppy dog eyes now."

Kenny rubbed her left cheek before sending a firey smack to it. Toni moaned out in pain and pleasure. He kissed it and rubbed it again to soothe the pain.

"You like to play with me don't you? When I ask what's my name, you respond accordingly. Got it?"

Toni nodded.

"Mmm, naw, I don't think you get it."

Kenny rubbed his member against her entrance before roughly slamming into her.

"Ooo, shit, GOTDAMN!" Toni screamed out.

Kenny held on to her wrists with one hand and her waist with the other.


Kenny send a powerful thrust with each word.

"Daddy! Oh fuck it's daddy, sweet baby Jesus it's Daddy!" Toni moaned out

"And who does this belong to!?"

"You. It belongs to you and only you!"

"Yeah that's what I thought. Now was that so hard?"

Kenny was now slowing stroking her from behind. He untied her wrists and she immediately gripped the sheets.

Kenny pulled out and flipped her over.

"You thought we was gone finish like that. Naw I wanna see that pretty face when you cum."

Kenny slowly slipped back inside receiving yet another moan from Toni.

"You know you're sexy as fuck when you do that."

Kenny kissed her lips as he stroked her nice and slow. Their tongues danced in each other's mouths and they were in a world of ecstasy.

Toni dug her nails into Kenny's back as she felt her climax build.

"Mm baby I'm gonna-"

"Hold it for me beautiful" Kenny whispered in her ear as he felt his coming too.

Kenny kissed her lips tenderly and looked at her once he pulled away.

"Let it go."

Kenny and Toni stared into each other's eyes as they both released. Kenny collapsed on top of her as they both caught their breath.

Kenny slipped out of her and rolled onto his back. They both starred at the ceiling, both lost in their thoughts.

"You know I love you right?"

"Yes Kenny, you tell me all the time."

"You do love me too, dont you?"

"Of course, I do. You just scare me sometimes."

"Toni, I love you and I promise I'm working on it. It's just sometimes my anger gets the best of me and I don't know how to express myself. I'm gonna do better for you."

"You promise." Toni looked at him with tears in her eyes.

"Yes baby, I promise."

Kenny picked her up and carried her to the bathroom. He turned on the shower and got in it with her.

He sat her on her feet and grabbed her shampoo. He began to run his fingers thru her red hair and massage her scalp.

Toni closed her eyes and let the water run over her while Kenny massaged her scalp. He turned her around to face him so the water could rinse her hair.

Kenny then grabbed a rag and body wash and began to wash Toni's body. He kneeled down and rubbed her from her legs up to her chest and back.

Toni winced in pain when he would run over the various bruises on her body. Both of them knew that those bruises weren't just from the sex.

He stopped and looked down at her face. He moved her hair completely out of her face revealing yet another black and purple bruise on her forehead.

He felt like a complete monster. She was so beautiful and he was destroying her. He just pulled her into his chest and hugged her. Toni began to cry thinking of their volatile relationship.

"I'm so sorry and I'm never going to do it again." Kenny cried

Toni thought back to a month ago.

"Kenny I'm sick of this shit! I can't have friends or go out yet you get to come home fucking wasted!"

"Toni my head hurts and I'm going to need you to take it down!"

"Maybe if you didn't go to the bar and drink until 2am you wouldn't have a headache! Grow the fuck up!"

"Who pays the bills in this bitch and who keeps you laced in all that expensive ass shit you like?! Me! So fuck outta here with that mess!"

"Kenny that don't mean a damn thang! I was fine before you and best believe I'll be fine without you bitch!"


"Damn it Toni! Learn to hold your fucking mouth!"

Toni laid on the floor holding her stinging cheek with tears in her eyes.

She looked up at Kenny with so much hate.

Kenny realized what he did and went to pick her up. She flinched as he lifted her up kissing her lips and her cheek.

He laid her on the bed and pulled off her clothes. He kissed down her body leaving a trail of tears. Her sniffles turned into moans as he showed her how sorry he was.

"I'm sorry baby. I swear I'll never do it again." Kenny apologized as he gently stroked into her.

Flashback over.

Toni just cried into Kenny's chest and didn't say a word. He always said he'd never do it again and she always believed him....until next time.

She cried not because of the abuse but because she knew no matter what he did, her love for him was so strong that she'd always forgive him.

****I wanted to do something a little different with ToniFace. Tell me what y'all think. This might be a book. Thoughts on the cover?****

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