Hurt Me Pt.2

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Toni stared at her self in the mirror as a tear slipped down her cheek. She quickly wiped it away and began to apply her makeup.

She carefully applied it over each bruise. Once she was done, she got dressed and headed to the studio.

The receptionist greeted her. "Hi Ms.Braxton. I'll let Mr.Edmonds and Mr. Reid know your here."

"Thanks." Toni said as she walked towards the back.

"There's our superstar!" L.A said as he hugged Toni

Toni laughed and hugged him back. Kenny came up to her and planted a long kiss on her lips. She could taste the liquor on him.

Kenny grabbed her waist and squeezed it a little bit making Toni gasp.

"You're late. Get in the booth." He whispered

He let go of her waist and she walked toward the booth. She put on the headphones and began to sing.

Oh my soul is dying, it's crying
I'm trying to understand
Please help me
How could an angel break my heart

Toni stared at Kenny as she sang. Her eyes glistened with tears but she didn't dare let them fall.

L.A. looked between the two and decided to leave. "Toni that was great. I'm gonna head up to my office."

"Alright see ya man." Kenny dapped him up and he left.

He turned back to Toni who was coming out of the booth. He walked toward her and she instantly tensed up.

"Baby." Kenny started

Toni turned head trying to avoid his eyes. She knew the minute she looked into them she'd be weak.

"Kenny you've been drinking. Let's just go home so you can sleep it off."

"Tone, baby look at me." Toni kept her head turned as she fought back another round of tears.

"Come on just look at me please." Kenny pleaded

"Kenny can we just go." Her voiced cracked.

He sighed. "Toni I just want you to talk to me. You've been so distant lately."

Toni walked toward her purse, pulled out a wipe and rubbed it over her forehead, under her eye and on her cheek.

Kenny started "Baby I-"

"No Ken! Look at me. Look at my face. You did this to me!" Toni cried

"You said you were gonna do better for me. You said you wouldn't do it anymore! Kenny I can't let you keep hurting us like this."

"Baby I'm so sorry. You know I am. I'll go to therapy, I'll do whatever it takes."

Kenny paused and thought for a minute and turned his head.

"Did you say us?"

He walked toward Toni and lifted her shirt a little bit. Sure enough there was a tiny little bulge at the bottom of her usually flat stomach.

"You're pregnant? Wow! You're having my baby! That's my little baby in there!" Kenny exclaimed

He hugged Toni and spun her around. When he put her back down he noticed she had an expressionless face.

"Baby what's wrong?"

"Kenny I don't know if this is the right time to have a baby." Toni had tears in her eyes as she stared at the floor, afraid to see the look on Kenny's face.

"The fuck do you mean this isn't the right time!" Toni jumped

"So you wanna kill my seed, huh?! Is that what I'm hearing?!" Kenny yelled

"Kenny you have issues!! You're abusive, a drunk and you don't think about how your actions affect people!" Toni exclaimed through tears

"This is toxic! Our relationship is toxic. How are we going to bring a baby into this? We can barely function ourselves, how are we gonna be good parents! Are you gonna hit him or her when your mad like you do me!"

Kenny sighed as he let a few tears drop that he didn't know were there.

"Slap me around all you want but I won't let you hurt my baby." Toni finished

"Come here" Kenny said softly

Toni slowly walked toward Kenny and he pulled her down on his lap.

"I promise I'm gonna do better for you and for our baby. You don't deserves this and neither does this little one in here" He placed his hand on her stomach.

"I promise from now on I'm a better man. I can't imagine you walking out on me and never seeing my child. I love you. I love you so much. I just get so scared that one day you'll get tired of my shit and leave."

Toni wiped her eyes as she leaned  in to give Kenny a long kiss. She looked into his eyes and held his face.

"I'll never leave. I love you baby." They held each other as they cried.

Toni knew this was wrong and she knew she deserved better but she loved this man. She actually believed that he will try to do better for her and her unborn child. He had a hold on her that made it so hard for her to leave. She truly believed that Kenny is her person and she's his, despite his flaws.

***IM BAAACKKK!!! Thoughts?***

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