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"Nicole, it's 2 in the morning, I just want to get some rest before my next session." Kenny said calmly

"Kenny I don't understand why you always have to get in late. You barely spend anytime with me or Peyton." Nicole cried

"Look Nikki, you knew what the jump was before you married me. This is my job and it ain't changing so you might as well stop complaining."

"Whatever Kenny, I know you were probably out with some slut!"

Kenny walked out of the closet and stared at Nicole.

"Contrary to what you might believe, I love you and I have always been faithful to you!"

"Ok and what about Toni?! I see how you guys look at each other!"

"Seriously you need to relax. You know we are like brother and sister."

"Yeah, ok. Whatever, Goodnight Kenneth."

Nicole cut the lamp off and turned on her side. Kenny crawled into bed behind her and tried to hold her but she pushed him off.

"You know Nik I'm getting really sick of this. All you want to do lately is fight." Kenny calmly stated

"Ken just leave me alone."

Kenny turned over and tried to go to sleep. Two hours passed and he found himself wide awake. He was tired but he couldn't sleep.

He sighed and got up grabbing his phone, wallet and keys and went to his car. He drove about 20 minute before he found himself in a driveway.

Kenny walked up to the door and rang the doorbell. When the door opened Kenny looked down into those beautiful brown eyes.

"Hi Ken"

"Hi Tone."

Toni pulled Kenny into a hug and led him to her bedroom. Kenny took off his coat, sat his stuff on the dresser and climbed into Toni's bed.

He laid his head on Toni's chest and she began to rub his head and his back. After about 5 minutes Toni could hear his soft snores.

She gently moved him off of her and laid down further in the bed. She turned over getting ready to go to sleep when Kenny grabbed her waist and buried his face in her neck.

"Goodnight Toni, I love you." Kenny mumbled into her neck

"Goodnight Ken, I love you too."

They both stayed like that for the rest of the night. Toni had gotten used to this happening. Some nights when Kenny and Nicole would fight, Kenny would end up in Toni's bed.

They never did anything, Kenny for some reason couldn't sleep at night in his own bed. Toni was like his comfort person.

Sometimes they'd talk or she'd sing him to sleep but most nights no words were exchanged. They'd fallen into this pattern and didn't know what to make of it.

They both knew their connection was stronger than brother and sister but they vowed to never cross that line...again.

For now it was just sleep. Even though they didn't do anything, it still felt wrong. They both knew they wanted each other and Toni was scared that one of these nights they'd do more than just sleep.

***This was just a cute little story that popped into my head. Nothing major.****

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