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"Man you need to get laid" LA said to Kenny as they sat around playing spades.

"Yea man, you and Tracey have been divorced for almost a year now." Daryl said

"Look when I'm ready I will meet someone but now is not the time.

"Who said anything about meeting someone?" LA questioned. "Look man I got a friend who runs a very respectable "business" if you know what I mean." LA said with a wink and a smirk

"LA why would you know anything about that, your married."

"Ok and sometimes Pebbles wants to be a bitch. What she doesn't know won't hurt her." LA shrugged his shoulders as he tossed another card onto the table.

"LA you are a real sick dude" Daryl laughed

"Well I know where to go get my medicine when I need it". All three shared a laugh

Kenny thought for a moment. It has been a while since he'd gotten any play and he wasn't trying to get attached to anyone right now.

"Give me the number."
A Few Hours Later

Toni shut the door to her brand new Range Rover. She got it as a gift for her "hard work" from her pimp, Q.

She didn't understand why she was Q's favorite but she didn't complain. He bought her all kinds of gifts and let her keep a bigger percentage of the money she made.

She looked in her compact mirror and applied a little more concealer to cover her bruise. She was Q's favorite but he had a temper. She made sure not to get on his bad side but sometimes he got overly angry.

She made her way into the hotel and took the elevator up to the room. She knocked on the door and this handsome brown skin guy answered.

"Hi are you Michele?" the guy asked

"Yup and you must be Mr.Kenny" Toni purred with a smirk.

"Yea that's me"

"You just gone stand there and stare or are you gonna let me in?"

"Oh right. I'm sorry."

Kenny stood to the side and let Toni enter the room. Kenny closed the door and walked toward her. Toni slowly untied the straps to her coat and let it fall to the floor.

 Toni slowly untied the straps to her coat and let it fall to the floor

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Kenny just stood there and stared. He had never seen a more perfect body and she had the beauty to match. For a split second he wondered why someone so beautiful did what she did.

"Well you really have a staring problem don' you mister?" Toni laughed

"Oh I'm sorry, you're just really beautiful"

"Mhm, yeah, most men say that once I get naked."

Toni walked up to Kenny and took off his suit jacket and threw it to the floor. She untucked his shirt and began to unbutton it.

"What do you want me to do to you?" Toni purred

"Whatever you want." Kenny said completely mesmerized.

"I was hoping you'd say that."

Toni unbuckled Kenny's belt and pulled his pants down along with his boxers. She was now face to face with his hardened member.

Toni began to stroke it and then looked up at Kenny with innocent eyes. She took him into her mouth and began to go to work on him. Not once breaking eye contact.

She bobbed her head taking as much as she could into her mouth. She used her hands to make up for the rest. Kenny grabbed a fistful of her hair as she continued to pleasure him. After a few minutes he came and she swallowed every last drop.

"Oh my god, your talented"

Toni smirked "I get that a lot"

She walked him towards the bed and pushed him down on it. She stood in front of him and let him slide her panties off. He scanned her from head to toe once again and stopped and stared at her treasure.

"You can touch it if you want" Toni half chuckled

Kenny ran his fingers over it causing Toni to let out a soft moan. Usually when she did this she felt nothing but something about Kenny's touch made her excited.

She moved his hand and pushed him back. He stared at her as she climbed on top of him. She slowly slid down on him and began to rock her hips back and forth.

She kept a slow and steady rhythm for a while before she began to speed up and bounce on him. Kenny's toes curled and his eyes rolled to the back of his head. Toni tossed her head back as she moaned.

"Fuuuck, Shit!" Kenny yelled out

He was getting more into it the longer they went. He flipped them over and began to pound into her. Toni clawed at his back as she moaned. Kenny took her left breast into his mouth and began to suck on it.

He licked the bridge between her breast before switching to the right side.

"Mmm, shit!" Toni moaned out

This was the first time in a long time that she didn't have to fake it. She was in pure ecstasy. She was actually surprised at how good Kenny was.

Just as she was about to release, he slipped out of her.

"Turn over" Kenny demanded

Toni did as she was told and turned over, making sure to arch her back as deep as it could go.

Kenny roughly entered her and she let out a scream.


Toni buried her face in the pillows as she gripped the sheets. Kenny continued to ram her from behind.

She figured she couldn't let him to all the work so she began to throw her hips back and match his thrusts.

They kept up that rhythm until they both released and collapsed on the bed. They were a sweaty, heavy-breathing mess.

"Why do you do this?" Kenny asked Toni

Toni sighed "Sometimes life takes you places you never thought you'd be and then you get stuck there"

"I really meant what I said about you being beautiful."

"Look after tonight we are never going to see each other again so you don't have to do all that. Just put the money on the dresser and leave." Toni got up and went to the bathroom.

Kenny heard the shower cut on and decided to get dressed. He walked up to the bathroom door and heard light sniffles. He just left it alone and put the money on the dresser and left out the room.

Toni stared at herself in the mirror and began to cry. She didn't know how she ended up here and how here life had turned into shit. She couldn't believe she was that girl that just let men use and abuse her.

She cried even harder remembering her dreams and her goals from years ago. She wanted to be somebody but life got the best of her.
*******I suck at writing sex scenes so don't laugh. This was just an idea that popped into my head so I wrote it out as it came to me.****

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