He Had It Coming

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~If you'd have been there, if you'd have seen it....I betcha you would have done the same~

Toni sat at the table playing spades as her cell block mates explained how they ended up there. "So what's your villian origin story, Lil Bit?" Poundcake asked Toni

Toni looked up and took a deep breath. She had been here for 1 year now and she still couldn't grasp that this would be her home for 4 more. She wasn't sorry about what she did, she was sorry that she got caught.

Toni started "I was a lounge singer......."

.......3 years ago......

Toni had just finished her set and was sitting at the bar having a drink when a nice looking man approached her.

"Good Evening beautiful. I'm Jimmy Parks, head of Lazy Town Records, and I think your voice is amazing."

"Umm thanks." Toni smiled

"No, I mean it. It's smokey, sultry, sexy, and perfectly unique. I would love to have you on my label."

"How do I know you are legit. I mean you could have said this to plenty of other singers." Toni challenged

Jimmy reached into his pocket. "Here's my business card with the label address and website. I wrote my number on the back as well."

Toni took the card and examined it. It looked legit but she wanted to be sure.

As if Jimmy could read her thoughts he continued, "You can call me anytime to come and tour the label building. I can show you all the studios and maybe we can sit in on a session."

Toni stayed silent for a few more seconds before she spoke. "Can I get a few days to think a bout it and then I'll call you?"

"Of course, take your time. But I should warn you I don't give up easily and I don't like the word no." Jimmy laughed

Toni chuckled along thinking nothing of it.

"Well I should get going." Toni hopped off of the bar stool and straightened her dress that had risen a bit.

Jimmy took this time to scan her body. He licked is lips as he quickly took her in from her feet up to her hips past her perfectly toned stomach, her breasts, which were slightly out, and finally back to her face.

"Well, I look forward to a call from you soon!"

"Maybe." Toni smirked as she turned to walk away.

"Damn." Jimmy whispered as he finally got a view of her ass.

It was a week later and Toni was sitting in her bed holding Jimmy's business card. She had googled everything she could about Jimmy and Lazy Town records. He was legit, highly successful and hugely respected in the industry. She nervously dialed his number and waited for it to ring.

Not even two rings in Jimmy answered. "Ahhh Toni! I was hoping to hear from you again. Have you thought about what we discussed?"

"Umm, yes I have. I would love to come and tour the label. I know you are super busy so is there a day that works for you?"

"How about today at 3? I can clear my schedule and you can come on down, how does that sound?"

" That's perfect. I guess I should call you once I get there?"

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