You are the Father

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Toni sat on the couch scrolling on her phone when she heard the front door open.

"Mom?!" Denim yelled

Toni jumped up from the couch and ran to Denim attacking him with hugs and kisses.

"OMG my baby!! I haven't seen you in months. Feels like years!!"

"Ya I missed you too, so I decided to come home a week early."

"Well I'm glad you did. Diezel is out with Lucky all the time so he doesn't have time for me anymore."

"What about Brian, where is he??"

Toni rolled her eyes. "Where he wants to be, I guess."

"So you've just been here by yourself?"

Mostly yess but Tamar comes over sometimes and Me and Kenny have been hanging out sometimes."

"Lemme guess, watching Star Wars?" Denim smirked

"Your so silly!" Toni laughed

They walked over to the living room and sat down.

"Actually Mom, there is something I wanted to talk to you about."

Toni took of her glasses and looked up at her son.

"Ok...what's on your mind Denny?"

"Mom, a lot of people have been mentioning how much I look like Uncle Kenny. Strangers in public think I'm him sometimes, I get hundreds of comments under every picture I post and even I see it sometimes when I look in the mirror."

Toni took a deep breath in as she realized that this was going to happen.


"Mom please....I need you to be honest with what I'm about to ask you. Is Uncle Kenny my father?"

"Denim. I was confused and scared. I didn't know what to do, so I did what I thought was right."

"Mom...I need a straight answer. Please."

"Yes." Toni said barely above a whisper as her voice cracked.

"All these years...I've had this weird feeling. I tried to ignore it but as I got older, the whispers got louder. I told myself I was being paranoid. My mother would never lie to me like that. I was wrong." Denim said as his voice cracked too.

"Denny I-" Toni said as she walked toward him.

"I CANT BELIEVE YOU WOULD LIE TO ME!! MY WHILE LIFE IS A FUCKING LIE!!" Denim yelled while snatching away and making Toni jump.

"Now I know you are in shock right now so imma let that one slide, but let's be very clear, I am your mother and you will respect me." Toni said in a calm almost scary tone.

Denim scoffs. "My mother?!! You drug dad thru the mud about your divorce when you where the worse one!! Dad loved you and even helped you out when you were broke. All the while you where out whoring with Uncle Kenny!! My mother would have never done that to me!! I don't have anything left to say to you...Toni!"

And with that Denim grabbed his keys and left, slamming the door behind him.

Toni dropped to the floor and just cried her eyes out. She couldn't believe what just happened. She couldn't believe the way Denim talked to her. His words echoed in her head.... "I don't have anything left to say to you...Toni!"

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