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"Mmmm, ahhh" Toni hissed as she and Kenny climaxed.

"That was just what I needed. You always know just how to relax me." Kenny said breathlessly.

"Well that's what lil sisters are for right?" Toni asked sarcastically as she snapped her bra back on.

"Come on Tone, don't start this again. I thought we agreed that this is what's best."

"No not we...YOU!! You were the one who told everybody we're  just like brother and sister. Like a dummy I went with it."


"No! I'm sick of this Ken. It's been over 20 years and we're still creeping around like teenagers!" Toni got out of the bed and started to angrily yank her clothes on.

"Tone what was I supposed to do? Do you know how that would have looked. Me the older more established mentor in a relationship with my young female signee. It would have made me look like a predator!"

Toni scoffs. "Whatever Ken. I was grown and I knew what I was doing. It shouldn't have mattered what people thought if you loved me like you said you did!"

"Tone I do love you and I always have. From the moment I first heard your voice I-"

"You know what Ken save it. Because if you really loved me, I wouldn't be this big secret for over 20 years."

Kenny stared down at his hands.

"Kenny, I just don't understand. Was I not good enough? Was I not pretty enough for you? Was I not the trophy that you would be proud to show off to the world?" Toni's voice was barley above a whisper as she struggled not to cry.

"Tone it's not like that. Things were complicated"

" I was good enough to fuck but not good enough to be your wife. I never cared about your money or the fact that your Babyface. I fucking loved YOU!"

"Toni calm down. I don't need you getting worked up with your Lupus."

"Don't try to act like you care now. You were never there when I needed you.  What did Tracey and Nicole do for you that I couldn't because it was obviously something."

"Tracey gave me a son I couldn't just leave her."


"He was my first born Toni, you gotta understand that."

The only thing I understand is that it was supposed to be ME to give you your first baby. It was supposed to be ME you married." Toni cried

"But noooo. "Toni I'm not ready for a baby and neither are you. Your career will be over if this comes out!"" Toni mocked Kenny

"And like a fucking dumbass I made the appointment and I regretted it ever since!"

Kenny, now fully dressed walked over to Toni and lifted her chin. Toni's eyes were filled with tears that threatened to escape. It truly broke Kenny's heart to see her like this.

"Toni, you are the most talented, and beautiful woman I have ever met. I have loved you since 1990 and each day, it's only grown stronger. I love you more than I have loved any other person. At first it was scary for me and I made a lot of mistakes in the past but I wanna make it right."

No matter how she tried to fight it, Toni let the tears fall. She was just so full of emotion and couldn't help but to cry. She loved this man so much that she's do anything for him....and that's what scared her.

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