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"God please,i need her"jaemin cried
"I know that I'm a bad soulmate and- and i realized that i really love her,Lord Please,save her"

"Im glad you're praying to God"he heard a voice behind him


"*chuckles* Hi hi"she giggled

"Please tell me this isn't a joke?"he said while wipingbhis tears away

"Did you cry that much?"she pouted and wiped jaemin's cheeks
"Stop staring"she smiled

"I wasn't"

"Liar"she chuckled

"Are you..."
"What?"she asked

"Are you real?"
"Y/n?" Someone said making the two of them turn their head to where it came from

"Chan hyung?"

"Oh my y/nnie,i told you not to go anywhere"chan scolded

"Im sorry"she mumbled while hiding behind jaemin's back

"Cute"jaemin mumbled

"Come on y/n,you need to rest"chan said to his sister


"Your brother is right,y/n you need to rest"

"But you're gonna cry again"

"I wont,i promise"


"Yeah....i love you"he mumbled the last part

Y/n turned to him and smiled

" I love you too^^"

Woah woah woah,he just melted,jk

Chan smiled at jaemin then back at y/n guiding her to her room


CrIngE 😖😖


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