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"Hey channie" Jennie smiled

"What do you want?" chan asked calmly without looking at her,

She has been trying to talk to Chan since she grew interested in him

"That's it? you're not gonna look at me?" she pouted

"You're disgusting,"h said still not sparing a glance at her

"Well, if you don't want to look at me then............ I'll just expose Y/n, how about that?" she smirked

"What about Y/n?"Chan raised his eyebrow

"She's literally living with 8 guys in a house.....Wonder how people would react once they knew that a girl lives in a house with a bunch of guys, doesn't it sound...weird?"

"Oh don't you dare" he glared at her

"Thought so......so are you going to pay attention to me now? "

"What do you want?" chan asked, annoyed by her existence

"Simple" she smiled


"Jennie you have a boyfriend"

"I don't care about him anyway," she said trying to hug Chan

"Jennie NO, and never harm or drag y/n into this, this is the LAST time I'm going to warn you," he said before walking away

"Just wait Y/n, I'll ruin your beautiful life" Jennie whispered under her breathe

"Y/n are you okay?"somi asked as soon as she spotted her best friend in their classroom

"Yeah, why?"

"It's just that.......you know.....what happened the other night"

"O-oh that, it went okay, I guess" she stuttered

"Stop lying, "Somi said bluntly

"W-what do you mean?"

"Han told me what happened"


"It's okay y/n, I promise, I'm going to be here anytime you need me, okay?"somi smiled reassuringly

"Thank you Somi, Thank you so much"

"Ayyyee what do you mean by thank you? its nothing, we're sisters"

Y/n smiled happily at somi, She's glad that she has someone to be with her, she's glad that she has a friend, like Somi


Bible Verse for Today 111920

"Do not be deceived "Bad company ruins good morals " "

- 1 Corinthians 15:33

That verse is about fake friends/bad people, so everyone be careful

" your closest friend can be your biggest enemy in one blink "
- MJ (Author)

Yes my name is MJ, that's why I changed MJ Roberto to Y/n Roberto 😂😂 I don't want to be called delusional by putting my name in my ffs😂😂

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