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"I'm pretty sure something happened, "somi said looking at the group of boys who looked like they were fighting over something

"Somi it's not good to look at people like that"y/n scolded "yeah but, it's the dreamies we're talking about, they looked like they were arguing for something, and I'm pretty sure it's serious, they never fight like that, they usually laugh all the time when its lunchtime"somi stated

"Yeah yeah, but please don't make it obvious that you're staring at them, they might mistake you as a creep "y/n warned taking a bite on her food

"They won't they knew me, "somi said still observing what is happening on the other table

"Yeah fine, just eat your food, you mig-"
"Look! jaemin walked away!"somi said tapping y/n's shoulder repeatedly

"J-just ignore them" she stuttered when jaemin's eyes meet hers, but it's not the glare ones he always sent, but a sad one

'Something might really upset him' she thought

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